Buendía Labs in JaamSim

Arnaldo Matute


Data Modelling Analyst

A discrete events model for Buendía Labs emergency vaccination center in Macondo, Colombia.
This model has been developed along my advisory work with my client Buendía Labs in Macondo, Colombia. (Fictitious names are used for the sake of the client’s protection)
Buendía Labs took the challenge to vaccinate for KOVID-91 a very big share for the whole population of Macondo. Hence, managers wanted to do the best job possible with their resources. In this regard, they decided to set a list of criteria to maintain the quality of service. Their process was inspired by the paper “Montgomery County's Public Health Service Uses Operations Research to Plan Emergency”, which was about a successful experience in the USA for emergency vaccination. The description of the center, its stages, and its process are explained in the “Planning Mass-Dispensing and Vaccination Clinic” section of the document.
Nevertheless, the human and physical resources Buendía Labs had were way more restricted than those of Montgomery County’s Public Health Service. Thus, given the conditions in which Buendía Labs must work, efficiency is the clue to reaching challenging goals such as these ones. Managers understand that hiring new personnel must be necessary, but they don’t want to make such a decision without any previous thorough analysis. Building a JaamSim model has been my main advice for them. With this model, they have been able to simulate plenty of possible scenarios.
The model in this repository is just available in Spanish. Use JaamSim release 2022-06 or newer.
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Posted Jul 21, 2023

A discrete events model for Buendía Labs emergency vaccination center in Macondo, Colombia. - GitHub - ArnaldoMatute/Buend-aLabsInJaamSim: A discrete events mo…






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