The auction can be started by anyone calling settle before star…

twicek security



Smart Contract Engineer

Security Engineer


The auction can be started by anyone calling settle before start_auction is called by the owner


settle can be called by anyone before start_auction is called by the owner which lead for anyone to be able to virtually call start_auction as well as reducing the number of auctions by 1.

Vulnerability Detail

Before start_auction is called:
_epoch_in_progress == False since epoch_end == 0. As a consequence anyone can call the function before it as been started by the owner.
winner == empty(address) since there is no highest_bidder yet. As a consequence, winner becomes FALLBACK_RECEIVER like so:
if winner == empty(address): winner = FALLBACK_RECEIVER log AuctionSettledWithNoBid(token_id, FALLBACK_RECEIVER)
current_epoch_token_id == 0 since no epoch have passed yet. Therefore epoch_start and epoch_end get initialized and current_epoch_token_id get incremented like so:
if self.current_epoch_token_id < self.max_token_id: self.current_epoch_token_id += 1 self.epoch_start = block.timestamp self.epoch_end = self.epoch_start + EPOCH_LENGTH
A NFT will be minted to the FALLBACK_RECEIVER: AuctionHouse.vy#L208
MintableNFT(NFT).mint(winner, token_id)
But no winning_amount will be sent to the vault since winning_amount == 0


Anyone can virtually call start_auction which is a permissionned function. The number of auctions will be reduced by 1.

Code Snippet

@external def settle(): """ @notice Settles the latest epoch / auction. Reverts if the auction is still running. Mints the NFT to the highest bidder. If there are no bids, mints the NFT to the FALLBACK_RECEIVER address. Resets everything and starts the next epoch / auction. """ assert self._epoch_in_progress() == False, "epoch not over" winner: address = self.highest_bidder token_id: uint256 = self.current_epoch_token_id winning_amount: uint256 = self.highest_bid if winner == empty(address): winner = FALLBACK_RECEIVER log AuctionSettledWithNoBid(token_id, FALLBACK_RECEIVER) # reset for next round self.highest_bid = 0 self.highest_bidder = empty(address) # set up next round if there is one if self.current_epoch_token_id < self.max_token_id: self.current_epoch_token_id += 1 self.epoch_start = block.timestamp self.epoch_end = self.epoch_start + EPOCH_LENGTH else: self.epoch_start = 0 self.epoch_end = 0 MintableNFT(NFT).mint(winner, token_id) if winning_amount > 0: ERC20(WETH).approve(self.vault, winning_amount) Vault(self.vault).register_deposit(token_id, winning_amount) log AuctionSettled(token_id, winner, winning_amount)

Tool used

Manual Review


I recommend adding a boolean value which would be turned True when the owner call start_auction and checked in the settle function as being True.
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Posted Jul 13, 2023

Fair Funding (Vyper) Sherlock's contest: The auction can be started by anyone calling settle before start_auction is called by the owner







Smart Contract Engineer

Security Engineer


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