UserManager.updateFrozenInfo cannot be called from UToken

twicek security



Smart Contract Engineer

Security Engineer


UserManager.updateFrozenInfo cannot be called from UToken


The new version of the contract doesn't allow UserManager.updateFrozenInfo to be called from UToken. Hence, if a borrower is overdue he will not be able to call UToken._repayBorrowFresh to repay his principal.

Vulnerability Detail

When UToken._repayBorrowFresh is called with an overdue borrower as borrower, the call to UToken._repayBorrowFresh will always revert if repayAmount >= interest because updateFrozenInfo is called on the UserManager contract:
if (isOverdue) { // For borrowers that are paying back overdue balances we need to update their // frozen balance and the global total frozen balance on the UserManager IUserManager(userManager).updateFrozenInfo(borrower, 0);
But UserManager.updateFrozenInfo cannot be called from the UToken contract. Only the Comptroller contract can call this function:
function updateFrozenInfo(address staker, uint256 pastBlocks) external onlyComptroller returns (uint256, uint256) { return _updateFrozen(staker, pastBlocks); }


When a borrower is overdue he will not be able to repay is principal. Any call to UToken._repayBorrowFresh with repayAmount >= interest will revert.

Code Snippet

IUserManager(userManager).updateFrozenInfo(borrower, 0);
function updateFrozenInfo(address staker, uint256 pastBlocks) external onlyComptroller returns (uint256, uint256) {

Tool used

Manual Review


Add access for the UToken contract to UserManager.updateFrozenInfo by using this modifier:
modifier onlyMarketOrComptroller() { if (address(uToken) != msg.sender && address(comptroller) != msg.sender) revert AuthFailed(); _; }
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Posted Jul 12, 2023

Union Finance V2 Sherlock's contest: UserManager.updateFrozenInfo cannot be called from UToken







Smart Contract Engineer

Security Engineer


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