Our page headers were more like “side-ers.” Originally, we had the title of the journal and the page number on the vertical right side and the author on the vertical left. However, we determined this crowded the page too much so we reduced the headers to just the page numbers, within our signature pin logo, on the outside margins of each page. The page numbers changed color from yellow, red, or blue depending on the section and also moved down the page for each section. Fiction was at the top of the page, nonfiction was in the middle, and poetry was at the bottom. This kept the layout interesting and changing in keeping with our general aesthetic. The two main fonts we used were EB Garamond and Happening. EB Garamond was used for the main text body, authors, and page numbers. We chose this font because it was traditional and readable, especially as compared with our title font. Although it was traditional, it was not too formal or strict and still offered variety to keep it interesting. Happening is a web font that we used for titles, the cover, and pull quotes. We chose this font because of it’s visual connection with a Ben Shahn aesthetic. Ben Shahn is an artist and author who is known for working on pieces about immigration and social realism. The fonts he uses for his books are similar to Happening. This font is also very jaunty and wacky, like it was cut out of a magazine. This adds to the playful and off-beat theme our journal has and we wanted to integrate it a lot into our journal pages. It was a hard font to work with, but the effects were amazing.