Status IM | Web3 platform and Facebook's react-native port

Max Hora


Project Manager


Software Architect



React Native

Development of Status-React decentralized browser based on the blockchain technology. Porting of react-native framework to support all major Desktop platforms and integrate Status-React to work on Desktop platforms. The requirement was to port popular Facebook's react-native framework (which is for mobile OSes) to Desktop, and wire available world leading blockchain-based messenger source code to be runnable on Linux, OS X, Windows. I have participated on all stages - from idea discussion to final design and implementation, and finally till the successful launch of product's alpha version.
Status has grown from two in 2017 to over 90 core contributors in 2023. It has developed most rapidly in the last 18 months, attracting a large community who ardently seek to build software that defends human rights. The org is positioned to generate waves in the crypto ecosystem.
Jarrad Hope and Carl Bennetts envisioned the organisation while thinking about how online forums and games incubated communities with a multitude of unique cultures, and how the freedom that birthed these communities was at risk from the growing digital panopticon.
Status IM company logo
Status IM company logo

Project Scope

Porting react-native Facebook open source framework for mobile device to work on the major desktop operation systems such like Windows, MacOS and Linux.

Work summary, achievements and feedback

I was contacted by Jarrad Hope, founder and leader of Status IM, to work on the software solution to allow there react-native based mobile application seamlessly work on the desktop platforms, such like Windows, from the same codebase.
Have participated in the technical discussions about the most optimal solution for that ambitious goal, and it was decided to revive and finish the similar open source work done by Ubuntu team.
I have lead the initial technical development of the solution, and its integration with the available codebase and flagman software developed by Status IM.
Despite the many technical challenges, the project was successfully completed, and the alpha version of the desktop application was released.
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- Idea discussion and planning - Technical implementation and architecture design - Implementation, automation and issues resolving






Jun 27, 2017 - Dec 19, 2018




Project Manager


Software Architect



React Native

Max Hora

CTO | Team leader | Adviser | 27000+ hours and 140+ projects

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