Logo Design & Webflow Website Development

Jess Ange


Graphic Designer

Web Designer

Webflow Developer

Adobe Illustrator



Client: Luke Wiesner Consulting, LLC

The Problem: Luke Wiesner is a conflict resolution mediator that also provides training and coaching services. He needed to revise his brand with a new logo and a website that had an open, airy aesthetic. He also chose to move from Wix to Webflow.
The Solution: I designed a website after analyzing his references and listening to his feedback on his preferred visual themes. I organized his content into an easily digestible layout, with quick links on desktop and expandable Read More buttons on mobile.

Phase 1: Research & Wireframes

Client provided several websites of similar professionals in his field, along with a site that he liked some features from. I analyzed the layout of the home pages for each reference site, to determine where certain key information points should be according to user expectations.
After aligning the client's copy to my findings, I designed low-fidelity wireframes with a focus on organized text that wasn't overwhelming for the user.
Researched layouts from provided reference sites to discover user expectations of information landmarks
Researched layouts from provided reference sites to discover user expectations of information landmarks
Low-fidelity wireframes designed in Figma
Low-fidelity wireframes designed in Figma

Phase 2: Design

The client desired an open and airy aesthetic to his website. His logo, which I designed prior to this project, was a simple circle and his initials. I played on the circle theme and utilized his brand colors to keep the visuals light and soothing — perfect for a conflict resolution mediator. I also used various line art icons to break up the amount of stock photography being used, to keep things interesting.
High-fidelity designs created in Figma
High-fidelity designs created in Figma

Phase 3: Webflow Development

The client's target audience is a range of ages and genders, in varying degrees of professional environments. Therefore, I kept transitions and animations low impact; enough to create visual interest, but nothing overly flashy and distracting. The focus was keeping the copy from overwhelming the user.
On mobile, some copy is hidden with a Read More button, so that users who are interested in that section can read more, while users who aren't interested can continue scrolling. On desktop, there are two pages with a sticky quick link box, to navigate to the preferred service section.
This site also features an embedded Calendly widget for booking consultations, and contact forms.
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Posted Mar 25, 2023

Created logo and Webflow website for a conflict resolution mediator client. Result is an organized information hub of various service with booking app.






Graphic Designer

Web Designer

Webflow Developer

Adobe Illustrator



Logo Design & Webflow Website Development
Logo Design & Webflow Website Development
Website Design & Development
Website Design & Development