4 Helpful Tips on How to Start Dressing Modestly as a Christian…

Charlise Wall



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What does biblical modesty truly entail, and why is it so important?
In contemporary society, modesty is somewhat of a hushed relic of the past. In all honesty, even though I have been a Christian since I was a child, I struggled with knowing how to start dressing modestly. I spent over a decade maintaining a contemporary view on feminine attire. This struggle continued well into my early twenties.
In a sense, I remained stalled on the concept as a means of avoidance; reading up on, soaking in, and studying Biblical modesty would have made me liable to change. I would no longer have the “I did not know that” excuse.
Finally, in my mid-twenties, I caved to the conviction of the Holy Spirit and studied the Scriptures regarding God’s design for Biblical modesty, and I finally began cultivating a habit of awareness regarding my attire.
This post is a collection of truths I discovered in the Bible pertaining to modesty in the Word.
My prayer is that these thoughts will resonate with you and encourage you to deepen your understanding of biblical modesty in Christ. It truly is a gift!

What is modesty according to the bible?

From social media to the big Hollywood screens, we are often so inundated by the allure, glamour, and prestige of modern fashion that we forget important biblical requirements for Christian women.
One of the most significant of these is biblical modesty, which does not only concern the way Christian women should dress but also the way they should act.
Several passages in the Bible (see Colossians 3:12-13, Ephesians 4:2, James 4:10) encourage modesty more broadly. These scriptures teach us the following:
Biblical modesty is a heart posture.
It is a way of life that places others above ourselves.
It is premised on humility.
It is about placing God above our fleshly desire for admiration.
The final point is the most crucial; throughout scripture, we are commissioned to place God at the centre of our image and deny ourselves. This is the epitome of our faith, with Jesus telling His disciples in Matthew 16:24,

“If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”
Modest apparel displays an inner conviction to portray outer holiness and godliness in pursuit of Christ.

How should a woman dress according to the Bible?

To answer this question, we must first understand the broader requirements set on Christians. According to Paul, two of the most important characteristics of a Christian are godliness and holiness (see 1 Timothy 2:2), as these attributes please God.
A few verses after 1 Tim 2:2, Paul gives women clear instructions on how to show godliness and holiness:

“I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.”
The Bible urges us as women to clothe and adorn ourselves in godly behaviour, such as good works (which stem from holiness) instead of clothing and jewellery that place the focus on our bodies.
Similarly, 1 Peter 3:3-4 emphasises the importance of “the hidden person of the heart,” valuing a gentle and quiet spirit above external appearances.
Biblical modesty is about humility, self-respect, and a desire to honour God in every aspect of our lives—including our wardrobes.
If the thought on how to start modifying your wardrobe and dressing modesty confuses you (as it certainly did for me), here are a few vital points:

1. How to Start Dressing Modestly: Spend more Time with God

The most practical way to transform your wardrobe biblically is to spend time not only reading scripture but also meditating on it. Quality time spent with God and His Word transforms us from the inside out. What a blessing that is!
Time with God is such a gift that allows us to understand who God is and what He expects of us. It truly is the ultimate guide to a holy life and walk with Him.
Importantly, God knows exactly what we need and gives us the strength, will, and wisdom when we struggle with biblical modesty.
Philippians 4:6 says,

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
This means that no matter how difficult our paths may seem, we can rest in God’s peace and ask for His guidance.

2. Prioritise Intentional Styling Over Imitation

In the modern world, we are often encouraged to imitate the latest trends. These ever-changing trends often promote fashion that we as Christian women should not endorse.
Sometimes unintentionally, we imitate fashion trends without considering whether they align with holiness in Christ.
Contrarily, regarding the Bible and modesty, the scriptures invite us to cultivate contentment in godly characteristics instead of imitation.
This is why, when biblical modesty is mentioned in the Word, it is often followed by an instruction to clothe ourselves in Christ, who does not only show us how to live righteously, but also remains constant.
Are you content in your identity in Christ whose character we should emulate?
Tip: begin by weighing your style against 
Now, consider these questions:
Is your wardrobe decent?
Does it portray holiness?
Does it reflect your commitment to humility, dignity, and respect for others?
With the answers to these questions in mind, think about practical ways you can be more intentional about modestly. Here are a two tips on how to be more intentional:
Choose pieces that you love, not simply because they’re trendy, but because they resonate with the godly values you hold dear.
Use platforms such as Pinterest for modest fashion inspiration! I have a few pins you may like to use to help transfor your style.

3. Biblical modesty = Beautiful Simplicity

There is beauty in simplicity! The Bible says that beauty is hidden in our hearts and is evidenced through gentleness and quietness, and not necessarily in outward appearances.

1 Peter 3:3-4 says, “Let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.”
If we apply this to the topic of modest apparel, simple, well-crafted clothing can be incredibly beautiful and timeless while also displaying gentle character.
What does your clothing say about your character?

4. Honour God with your Wardrobe

Ultimately, biblical modesty is about honouring God.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says,

“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”
How we choose to clothe our bodies is important, as our bodies are the temple of God and were designed for the glorification of God—not ourselves.
Are you dressing to draw attention to yourself, or to point others to the beauty and dignity of a life lived in Him?

Modesty as a Lifelong Practice

In a world that often equates worth with appearance, biblical modesty is a practical way to place God at the forefront of our lives. It allows us to place emphasis on Christ, from whom our true value flows.
Transformation can be tough – I can relate!
As women, we tend to find sentimental value in many things in our lives, including clothing. Likewise, it is SO hard to change habits.
Be encouraged, as biblical modesty is a lifelong, continual process of aligning your outward appearance with your inner convictions. In moments where we fail and a fall short, God is always right there to guide us.
As we grow in our faith and understanding of what it means to honour God in all aspects of our lives, our approach to modesty will evolve if we ask God for His guidance.
So, as you walk the runway of life, let your wardrobe be an expression of reverence for the God who created you.
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Posted Jan 7, 2025

There are many approaches on how to start dressing modestly as a Christian woman, but what is modesty according to the Biblical principles?







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