Who was Esther in the Bible? 3 Amazing Truths About Esther

Charlise Wall



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Who was Esther in the Bible?

Digging into the Character of Esther

Who was Esther in the Bible?
The Bible is such a life-changing book, chronicling the stories of men and women who failed and disappointed God, but also those who honoured and served Him.
Most importantly for this discussion, these stories give us direction on how to live righteously and in full surrender to our sovereign Lord.
God’s sovereignty is indeed shown in the book of Esther in the Bible. The story of Esther is of particular importance of God’s providence and His dedication to His people.
So, who was Esther in the Bible?
Before we dive into the 3 amazing truths about Esther, it must be noted that Esther did not start off living in royalty or prestige. Not at all! Esther, also known as Hadassah, was a Jewish woman who had been orphaned when her parents died.
As a result, she was raised by her cousin Mordecai, who had been carried into exile from Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon.
Esther eventually wins the affections of King Xerxes and became Queen of Persia.
Now, let’s address the question, who was Esther in the Bible, and what are the 3 amazing truths about Esther?

1. Esther’s Divine Appointment: Esther was a Woman Chosen for a Purpose

“Who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14)
This verse shows how Esther’s role as queen was divinely orchestrated to deliver her people, emphasising God’s purpose behind her position. But how did this happen for her?
The book of Esther shows a series of moments where Esther makes specific, calculated decisions that demonstrate her wisdom which could only have come from God:
Esther takes direction.
Mordecai cautions her not to reveal her true nationality as a Hebrew woman, and she obeys him just as she had done when she lived in his home.
This obedience is contrary to the disobedience of Vashti, who is mentioned at the beginning of the book. Vashti, who was set to become queen alongside King Xerxes, refuses to appear at the king’s.
Esther treats others well.
After she is taken to the king’s palace, she is entrusted to Hegai, who has charge of the king’s harem. She wins Hegai’s favour and pleases him with her behaviour. This reminds me of Romans 12:18 which says,

“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”
Esther seemed to understand the value of treating others with respect and honour.
In fact, she does not only win the favour of Hegai, but everyone she encounters.
Most importantly, she wins King Xerxes’ favour and is crowned as Queen.

2. Esther Stood for Justice

I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish. (Esther 4:16)
Owing to her obedient nature, Esther takes Mordecai’s instruction to warn the king of an impending assassination against his life.
Because of her obedience, Mordecai is given great honour, and his deeds are recorded in the palace records.
Later in the book, she makes a bold stand against Haman.
In Esther 3, her cousin Mordecai refuses to bow down to Haman—the most powerful official appointed by King Xerxes.
This enrages Haman, who had already discovered that Mordecai was a Jew. Because of this, Haman plots to destroy all the Jews instead of merely targeting Mordecai, and the king supports this decision.
Mordecai discovers Haman’s plan to wipe out all the Jews, and he wails and walks the streets in sorrow.
Esther’s response to this is so, so important: she shows great care in sending Mordecai clothing. This demonstrates her heart and empathy for others.
Mordecai then makes a bold and daring request: he asks Esther to approach the king and appeal for mercy.
This is where Queen Esther takes a stand!
Esther’s bravery shines as she chooses to approach the king, despite not being invited—an action that could result in death.
This demonstrates her willingness to sacrifice for the greater good of her people.
She shows courage in the face of fear.

3. Faith and Providence: Esther trusted God’s Timing

Queen Esther answered, ‘If I have found favour with you, Your Majesty, and if it pleases you, grant me my life—this is my petition. And spare my people—this is my request. (Esther 7:3)
As seen in the story of Esther in the Bible, she behaves in a way honourable enough to win the favour of those around her. Because she found favour with the king, God seems to use this trait to exact deliverance for His people.
In addition, Haman is executed on the very pole intended for Mordecai, and his sons are killed in an act of justice for the Jews.
Notably, Mordecai is named Prime Minister.
Conclusively, there is so much we can learn about the story of Esther in the Bible.
To sum up this article on who Esther was in the Bible, she operates with wisdom that could only originate from God.
She cares deeply for her family and her people.
She is obedient and not proud.
Despite the conditions of her past, she rises above them and takes on a position of honour—a position that God can use for His glory.
As discussed in the post on the 3 amazing truths about Esther, the story of Esther in the Bible emphasises the importance of boldness and faith in God’s timing and providence. This is evidence that God truly makes all things beautiful in His time! Esther carefully pleads for the lives of her people, showing trust in God’s perfect plan for deliverance.
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Posted Jan 7, 2025

The story of Esther is of particular importance of God’s sovereignty, providence, and dedication to His people. So, who was Esther in the BIble?







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