
Amanda Anyanwu

Content Writer
Article Writer
Microsoft Word

Things we never want to talk about

Let’s talk about the experiences that shaped us
The death of someone we held dear to us, and how we’re forced to see life differently.
The healthy and toxic relationships we found ourselves in, the real friendships and the ones that was never reciprocated. How painful you had to commit to a relationship that drained you emotionally. The best person you wished to spend eternity with .
Let’s talk about growing up, how stressful you have to adjust to different circumstances that hit us, peer pressure you thought couldn’t affect you.
Your Experience with God, your tested faith, tough situations when you prayed for wisdom, how often you onfide and confess those secrets that weigh us down .
Meeting people.
Interesting, intellectually ongoing personalities, hardworking, naive and great listener,
Your accomplishments and passion that made you see things differently. You learn, unlearn and relearn from experience .

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