- Marketplace for selling & buying Startups
Ivan Dudinov
Fullstack Engineer
Software Architect
Web Developer
While participated mostly on early stages, I was able to lay a technical foundation for the project (both front-end and back-end sides) so for years it remains adaptive for the product growth, both from UX and DX perspectives.
Project structure
Website. Multi-page landing website that features smooth animations. Stack: JS, Webpack, HTML, SASS, Lottie, GSAP.
Front-end Application. Multi-role SPA on MVVM architecture pattern. Common codebase for all roles including Admin. Uses Firebase JS SDK for backend communication. Stack: Vite, React, TypeScript, SASS, MobX.
Back-end. Cost-optimized Firebase backend featuring Authentication, Firestore (No-SQL database), Hosting, Functions. For indexing and searching across marketplace data Elastic Search is used.
DX. Tailored Git workflow with CI/CD integrated, allowing multiple features to be delivered in parallel.