Vector Marketing Facebook Social Copy

Kaitlyn Hardy


Content Writer


SEO Writer




Encourage engagement through inspiring and relatable copy.
Motivate students to enter entrepreneurship by highlighting Vector’s ability to help through relatable, short, and powerful copy.
Increase views and profile visits + follows.
Increase click-thru rate.
Increase application submissions.
Increase blog views.
Help students see their problems as solvable.
Inspire students to take control back in their lives.

10 Published Samples

1). Why Fulfillment (Not Happiness) is the Secret to a Great Life — February 10, 2023

“Why Fulfillment (Not Happiness) is the Secret to a Great Life (Feb 10, 2023)
If you didn’t know, happiness is different from fulfillment.
As human beings, we tend to fall into this vicious cycle of constantly chasing after the next thing — none of us really allow ourselves to enjoy the process or the satisfaction of achieving a goal.
You’re chasing happiness. But you should be chasing fulfillment — the things that fill your life with true meaning and purpose.
We can help you get started here:”

2). More Than Mindfulness: 9 Self-Care Ideas that Actually Work — Jan 27, 2023

“You’ve probably tried deep breathing, meditation, yoga. You’ve probably tried spa days, and journaling, and practicing affirmations.
If these have worked for you, that’s great. If not, you’re not alone. Maybe some of those ideas didn’t feel right and left you feeling more anxious or stressed out.
Not to worry. Self-care is supposed to be something — anything — that works for you. It’s supposed to be something that leaves you feeling like you can actually breathe again. And it just has to feel right for you.
If you need some new self-care ideas, we have 9 here that might work and feel pretty cathartic:” 

3). How to Stop Negative Self Talk in 5 Simple Steps — Jan 24, 2023

“Do you ever have thoughts of “I’m not good enough,” or “I’ll never accomplish this,” or “that was so stupid of me”?
Well, this is what we’d qualify as negative self-talk — and it’s hurting your growth. Even worse, it’s creating major mental blocks that will start to hold you back as you progress in life.
Self-doubt may be normal, but talking yourself through those kinds of feelings can be more productive. If left unchecked, negative self-talk will continue to hold you back from future opportunities and chapters in your life.
We have 5 tips to help turn the voice in your head to something more positive and encouraging, here:”

4). Investing in Yourself is the Best Financial Decision You’ll Ever Make — Jan 18, 2023

“You have the power to change your entire life by just investing in yourself. By investing in your skills, lifestyle, and hobbies, you’re guaranteed to come out a better person on the other side.
You can build a brand new life through small and cost-worthy investments that are meant to help you grow personally and professionally.
All to say that investing in yourself is going to make you the most money in the long-run. All it takes to get started is a little innovation and willingness to dive in.
Learn how to get started with these strategies:”

5). Nine Tips for Establishing a Stressless WFH Setup — Jan 11, 2023

“Y’all remember doing homework at the kitchen table through elementary, middle, and high school? I mean, it was stressful; but kind of fun to work in the comfort of your home and family.
Well since 2020, the idea of working from home has become 10x more appealing. And not only appealing, possible!
Remote work has all the pros — the couch, your bed, tv, food whenever you feel, no people to bicker with. It’s the dream.
Well… it can be. Because remote work also comes with its own list of stressors and pressures like always being in work mode, feeling procrastinary, or not feeling up to meeting deadlines. But these stressors can be avoidable —
So if you’ve thought about working from home, or are doing so currently but it’s not your fav — or could be better, this post is for you:”

6). How to Be Easy Going and Roll with the Punches — Dec 23, 2022

”Sometimes, it doesn’t have to go your way to be the right way
Being an “easy-going” person is not the same as being walked all over or being seen as unreliable or boring. Being “easy-going” means that you roll with life’s punches and refuse to let it derail you.
An easy-going persona is to be relaxed and unworried. A life with less anxiety is a much happier and longer life.
And it allows you to really focus your energy on what matters.
So if you’re feeling like you’re a little too high-strung these days, it might be time for some reflection and change.
We have 6 tips to help you reduce your anxiety here:”

7). How to Be the Best Version of Yourself: 5 Secrets to Real Growth — Dec 21, 2022

“Imagine you’re trying to climb a tall mountain; you’re motivated, prepared. You know that you have the capability to climb—you’re ready to give it your all.
But your backpack is full of dumbbells. You figure you have enough strength to make it to the top, but there’s too much weight, and no amount of effort will help you make it to the top.
A lot of people live their lives this way. They have big hopes, dreams and aspirations—but they carry so much baggage. This makes the process of self-improvement much harder than it has to be. Instead of focusing on getting rid of the baggage and fixing their bad habits, they continue to add more weight onto their lives and live in self-sabotage.
Life is a game of upward and downward spirals; you’re always moving in one direction or the other. One of the hardest—yet most important things you need to do to change your life is to nip that downward spiral in the bud before you start to climb. Once you start climbing, don’t stop for anything. Put the entire force of what you have into your climb.
Ready to get on the right path?”

8). Why Working While in College is a Good Idea — Dec 16, 2022

“Everyone hates making this call: you know the one that starts like this, "Hi. Can you add some more money to my meal account?"
Humiliating moments for everyone, right?
Paying your way through college is a monumental task. And with ever-rising inflation, college is not getting any more financially friendly. 
This is where working through college comes in. Is it the most glorious way to experience college? Usually not by a long shot. 
But is it super effective in preparing you for the real world? Definitely, absolutely, 100x yes. 
Here is exactly why you should work in college and how to balance your life doing so:”

9). How Making Mistakes can be used to Your Advantage — Dec 6, 2022

“We all have learned from our mistakes. Putting a red sock in with your white laundry. Learning how to pour milk from that huge carton. Microwaving styrofoam. We have all been there. But, did you know that when you refuse to make a mistake, you’re holding yourself back?
That’s right. Making mistakes is part of life. It’s how you grow! When you’re actively avoiding making mistakes because it’s embarrassing or hard, you’re stunting your growth.
Start viewing your mistakes as successes. View them as something you can use to your advantage instead of feeling bad about them.
There’s no way around messing up in life, so just go for it when you can. Start by learning how here:”

10). One Small Step: The Power of Incremental Change to Make a Big Difference — Nov 28, 2022

“The smallest changes make the biggest differences. Whether you set your alarm to go off 10 minutes early to give you enough time to get to class, or deciding to do your homework when you're done with classes rather than at 11 PM.
Cliche? Maybe. But true? Absolutely.
It’s all about the minor adjustments. If you’re wanting to live your life in a more meaningful or fulfilling way, your mindset only has to change a tiny bit at a time.
Incremental change (slow change), is all about the gradual improvements one can make over time.
So instead of jumping into change all at once (because that’s overwhelming AF), your mindset only changes a LITTLE at a time. This applies personally and professionally.
The smallest steps can lead to the biggest successes. Learn how you can start making incremental changes here:”
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Posted Jun 25, 2023

Over the course of 2.5 years, I worked with Vector providing social copy, script copy, and blog editing. My main contribution was social copy for Facebook.






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