Private Ureaplasma Testing -Walk-in Appointments Available

Hope Okoh



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Welcome to the Sexual Health Clinic, where your sexual health and well-being are of utmost importance. We offer private and confidential ureaplasma testing in London.
Ureaplasma is a group of small bacteria that reside naturally in the genital flora of women and men. While the bacteria are usually harmless, an imbalance can result in different infections, including urinary tract infections (UTIs) and complications in pregnancy. Understanding ureaplasma is important to maintain your sexual health and well-being.
When is Ureaplasma testing necessary?
Ureaplasma testing is necessary if you experience symptoms such as a burning sensation while urinating or unusual discharge or if your partner tested positive for Ureaplasma. It is advisable for people with multiple sex partners or about to enter a new sexual relationship to get tested.
Why is Ureaplasma testing important?
Ureaplasma testing is important for several reasons, including diagnosing symptoms, avoiding potential complications such as pregnancy issues or infertility, and preventing its spread to sexual partners.
•During the test
The ureaplasma test is straightforward. It involves collecting a swab from the cervix or urethra or a urine sample. Our experienced healthcare professionals will ensure the process is comfortable and quick.
Results are usually available within a few days. We ensure utmost confidentiality when delivering results and provide comprehensive support for further steps, depending on your result.
Ureaplasma symptoms may include unusual genital discharge, discomfort while urinating, and, sometimes, pelvic pain. However, it is important to note that many people with ureaplasma do not show symptoms.
How does it spread?
Ureaplasma mainly spreads through sexual contact during unprotected oral, vaginal, or anal sex. This makes engaging in safe sexual practices important.
Our STI Testing Packages
Bronze Package
•Price: £250
•Blood and urine sample: HIV I/II, gonorrhoea, and chlamydia.
•Turnaround period: 24 hours for blood samples
•Accurate: At 28 days post-exposure
Bronze Package
•Price: £350 for men, 375 for women
•Blood and urine or swab sample: Herpes, HIV I/II antibodies, Syphilis, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Gardnerella, Ureaplasma, Trichomoniasis, Mycoplasma, and additional swabs for women to screen for Bacteria Vaginosis and Candida.
•Turnaround period: 24 hours for blood sample, and 3 days for urine and swab samples.
•Accurate: At 28 days post-exposure
Gold Package
•Price: £475 for men, 490 for women
•Blood urine and swab sample: Syphilis, Hepatitis B and C, HIV I/II Antibodies, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Gardnerella, Ureaplasma, Trichomoniasis, Herpes IGM and Mycoplasma, and additional swabs for women screening for Gardnerella, Ureaplasma, Trichomoniasis, Bacteria Vaginosis and Candida.
•Turnaround period: 24 hours for blood sample, and 3 days for urine and swab samples.
•Accurate: At 28 days post-exposure and conclusive at 90 days after exposure
Platinum Package
•Price: £625 for men, 665 for women
•Blood, urine and swab samples: Syphilis, Hepatitis B and C, HIV I/II Antibodies, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Gardnerella, Ureaplasma, Trichomoniasis, Herpes IGM , Mycoplasma, and additional swabs for women screening for Gardnerella, Ureaplasma, Trichomoniasis, Bacteria Vaginosis, and Candida
•Turnaround period: 24 hours for blood sample, and 3 days for urine samples, 2 days for HPV swab and 3 days for swab samples
•Accurate: At 28 days post-exposure and conclusive at 90 days after exposure
Our Platinum Screen and Gold package cover the same STD tests, but the Platinum Screen has additional human papillomavirus (HPV) swabs, including 16, 18, and high-risk types.
Fast STD Screen Results—in 24 working hours
•Price: £350
•Blood and urine sample: HIV I/II, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, Syhilis IgM/IgG
Fast STD Screen Results—in 24 Working Hours
•Price: £450
• Blood and urine or swab sample: HIV I/II, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, syphilis IgM/IgG, hepatitis C antibodies, hepatitis C antigen, hepatitis B
At the Sexual Health Clinic, we offer confidential and quick ureaplasma testing. Visit our clinic today for your test, or contact us to schedule an appointment with our experienced healthcare provider for your Ureaplasma test.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can Ureaplasma self-resolve?
Sometimes, ureaplasma resolves without treatment. However, consulting with a healthcare professional and testing is recommended to avoid potential complications.
What is the treatment for ureaplasma?
Antibiotics are usually effective for treating Ureaplasma infections. Depending on your result, your healthcare professional will prescribe the most appropriate medication.
Can ureaplasma affect pregnancy?
Yes, ureaplasma can affect pregnancy, potentially leading to complications such as preterm birth. Pregnant women need to get tested for ureaplasma and undergo treatment if necessary.
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Posted Dec 1, 2024

A private Ureaplasma testing in London that captures service packages and prices.






The Health Clinic



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