Sureridge - Visual Identity

Kashish Desai


Brand Designer

Graphic Designer

Visual Designer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop


Sureridge Brand Idenity - Stationary
Sureridge Brand Idenity - Stationary

Elevating Outdoor Excellence: The Sureridge Brand Redefined

Sureridge, a brand that blends outdoor excitement and top-notch quality, needed a makeover. In the pursuit of redefining Sureridge's brand identity, I embarked on a journey fueled by meticulous design and captivating storytelling. This narrative is tailored to resonate with outdoor enthusiasts and those who seek nothing but the best.
Sureridge Website Scroll Gif

Tools of the Trade: Crafting Greatness

I harnessed the power of Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and Blender.These tools helped paint Sureridge's story, capturing the beauty of nature, the thrill of adventure, and the art of design.

Join the Journey: Crafting an Outdoor Champion

Come along as we explore how to create a brand that truly embodies outdoor excellence. We'll dig into design and storytelling, the heart of Sureridge's new look.
Sureridge Logo Identity
Sureridge Logo Identity
Sureridge T-shirt Mockup_Blender Gif
Sureridge Cap Mockup_Blender Gif
Sureridge Label Tag Design Mockup
Sureridge Label Tag Design Mockup
Sureridge Social Media Posts Mockup
Sureridge Social Media Posts Mockup
As we dive into this adventure, let the blend of nature, excitement, and design in Sureridge inspire you.
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Defining Sureridge's brand identity, packaging, and social media, this project showcases the fusion of nature's grandeur and the artistry of design.






Brand Designer

Graphic Designer

Visual Designer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop


Kashish Desai

Creative 3D & Graphic Design

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