Automatic Follow-up of Vehicles in Mechanical workshops

Camille Ganzin

Frontend Engineer
Product Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Renault Middle East
👨🏻‍🔧🚗 Ever have to bring your car to a mechanical workshop, get back to early to pick it up and then wait for a looooong time without knowing when your car will be ready?
🏎️ This time is over! Thanks to software like this one, now you get direct information about were your car is in the process and when it is ready for you to pick it up!

🏢 Company and Context of the Project

This project was an order from Renault Middle East, and should be used internationally in the coming years.

🚑 Problem/Challenge

In mechanical workshops, a recurring issue is to know where are each vehicles at any time, to give feedback to the customer but also to keep track on mechanical works. This cause a lot of time wasting, frustration and customers insatisfaction.
The project is based on the use of indoor geolocation to automate the feedback from three main movements:

1. Picking up the vehicle and starting the work

2. End of the work

3. The return of the vehicle

🧰 Solution

The proposed solution is based on the use of beacons and a unique user-friendly and user-centric management interface to :
1. Dialog with the automotive repair business’ planning manager and trigger the sending of SMS when the work is done.
2. Retrieve information to display on the APV reception’s screens

A beacon is a device that broadcasts a signal using the Bluetooth Low Energy communication protocol. Modifiable values (proximity UUID, minor, major) will allow to differentiate the beacons between them. It is also possible to adjust the power of emission, which will allow to define precisely the area to be covered by the beacon.
How it works
1. After the reception of the vehicle, the service advisor places the beacon with the plastic tie. the player recognizes the beacon, geolocalizes it and processes the information to dialogue with the planning manager and the display screens.
2. The vehicle moves towards the bridge. The 2nd player geolocates it.
It sends new information like "Work on your vehicle is in progress".
Another vehicle arrives... triggering the message "Hello, we have received your vehicle".
3. The first vehicle is parked in the parking lot. The 3rd player geolocates it. 
It sends new information like "The work on your vehicle is finished. You can get it back".

👩🏻‍💼 My roles during that project

For this project, my roles was mostly:
UX/UI Designer
Front-End Engineer
And I was also acting as a Proxy Product Manager, meaning I was replacing the Product Manager when needed, on the fly. Also, I had the opportunity to take a lot of decisions about technologies and processes.
The outputs I provided were:
A Design System
Because the project was planned to be run by iterations, I have chosen to elaborate a Design system, allowing all elements to be reusable. The use of components allows to keep a visual and usage coherence. Moreover, it also allows to develop more quickly the solutions that can be declined in the future (mobile application, for example).
Hi-Fi Mockups
The components Library related to the Design System
The tech specs were:
ReactJS (Javascript)
Django (Python)
Sass (CSS)

To see more about this project, just click here 👇


🌟 Thank you for taking the time to read all this! 🌟


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🤝 🤝 🤝 🤝

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