En Armonía Contigo | Meditating Mango

Victoria Sagardía


Content Creator

Product Designer




Rightfully acknowledging that healing, self-love, and acceptance often don’t arise overnight, she provides actionable steps to achieve both — through movement, through breath work, and through allowing her students to feel and accept whatever emotions might arise. - client

Originally, Meditating Mango featured trauma-informed yoga, a blog, and an artisanal, fair trade self-care product line.
Yoga: While the project started with virtual and in-person group classes, we recently opened up our platform to personalized classes in a private setting.
Self-care: The official website features skin an hair products made from 100% organic, ethically sourced ingredients that refresh and renew all skin types and protect + restore moisture-loving hair. The store also has a reused container incentive (10% off orders with returned containers), and only uses reusable glass containers. While the store is not Meditating Mango's main focus, the purpose of bringing these products into the brand is to open the self-care conversation towards sustainability, and long-term wellbeing, contrary to what research shows about skincare's usual negative toll on the skin's protective barrier and microbiome.
Blog: Conversations around self-care during trying times. While "from the inside out" is a fantastic outlook on healing, we also cover the "outside-in" part.
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Posted Jan 2, 2023

Tu cuerpo y tu mente son tu hogar. En Meditating Mango, te ayudamos a sentirte en casa y en armonía contigo misme.







Content Creator

Product Designer




Victoria Sagardía

"Tú eres un mundo" ("you are a world")

Meditating Mango | creando recetas, trabajo de trauma y movimie…
Meditating Mango | creando recetas, trabajo de trauma y movimie…
Recipe book: Pregúntale a la Bruja
Recipe book: Pregúntale a la Bruja