Community Engagement & Driving Enterprise Revenue at InVision

Mindaugas Petrutis

Business Strategist
Community Manager
Community Engagement

Role: Head of EMEA Community

Timeline: Dec 2018 - Mar 2020

Responsibilities & Initiatives:

Developed and executed a high-impact community engagement strategy across EMEA to position InVision as a leader in the design space

Created and implemented an exclusive invite-only dinner series targeting key enterprise accounts, connecting with senior design leaders to open doors for sales

Organized and sponsored premier community events and conferences across major European cities including Berlin, London, Milan, Madrid, Lisbon, Zurich, Munich, and Amsterdam

Delivered thought leadership talks on design community building in Amsterdam, Helsinki and Lisbon, establishing InVision's brand presence

Built strategic relationships with influential community partners like Ladies That UX, IXDA, and leading design conferences

Business Impact & ROI:

Directly supported the enterprise sales team in expanding existing accounts and landing new logos by engaging senior design leaders and decision-makers

Efforts led to opening major global enterprise accounts, generating a pipeline of millions in new annual recurring revenue (ARR) for InVision

Drove significant revenue growth and enterprise expansion in a highly efficient manner, maximizing ROI within a lean budget

Transformed InVision's community presence from minimal to a thriving, engaged network of design leaders across EMEA

Positioned InVision as the go-to platform for design collaboration, resulting in increased market share, customer retention, and revenue growth

Key Outcomes:

Built InVision's EMEA community 0 to 1, creating a highly engaged network of enterprise design leaders and decision makers

Influenced multiple millions of dollars in enterprise ARR pipeline through strategic community engagement and events

Established InVision as the leading design collaboration platform in EMEA, supporting dominant market share in a competitive space

Created a playbook for driving enterprise growth through community building that was replicated in other regions

This project highlights my ability to strategically engage a community of senior leaders to drive measurable business outcomes and revenue growth. By building personal relationships with enterprise decision-makers, I opened doors for sales and positioned InVision as the premier solution in its space.

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