Old Mutual - Brand Creation

DuBose Cole


Brand Strategist

Growth Marketer

Marketing Strategist

Africa’s largest insurer Old Mutual aimed to launch a new consumer facing fintech brand but sought to understand what would make them compelling and distinct. In a market where many banks overpromise and under deliver, with limited mobile data for many – how could the brand leverage scale and trust to offer a better alternative?
Banks are one of the most involved brands in a consumer’s life, so why is it that many aren’t liked or respected by the consumers who bank there? They are often perceived to take money and not give anything back for consumers’ time, loyalty or cash.
Research and develop a banking brand, product offering and user experience that delivers more to users than what it takes from them – shifting the dynamic of the category with its launch. Acting on research implications, we provided guidance on identity, brand position and product development – working directly with product and UX teams.
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Posted Apr 11, 2024

To help Africa's largest insurer launch a new challenger bank in South Africa, I created a brand strategy which guided identity, product development and more.






Brand Strategist

Growth Marketer

Marketing Strategist

DuBose Cole

Multi-Disciplinary Strategic Expert for Hire

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