IBM Multicloud Management Platform (MCMP)

Suresh Babu

Frontend Engineer
Software Architect

Dates: Jan 2018- till date

Role: Tech Lead UI

Description: This project is developed for IBM. MCMP is a self-service store that enables users to browse, search, order, and fulfill cloud services.

Technologies: HTML, CSS, Object Oriented JavaScript & ES6, Angular, Webpack, Jasmine, NPM, Micro Service Architecture, Docker, Kubernetes
• Tailoring user experience
• Bringing a designer’s concept to life with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
• Production, modification, and maintenance of websites and web application user interfaces
• Creating tools that enhance how users see and interact with your site in any browser
• Implementing responsive design for mobile sites
• Contributing some back-end experience, collaborating on APIs, and more
• Maintaining software workflow management with a project management tool like GitHub and task runners like Grunt and Webpack
• Consulting on new JavaScript features and make use of them part of library code
• Testing the components during development for usability and fixing any bugs
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