Introduction – How to Manifest Anything You Desire

John McDonald



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How to Manifest Anything You Desire

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John McDonald is a writer, creative, and free-spirit. He uses his words to piece together the mysteries of the universe and shine a light into the void. Since he was a child, he has always been interested in the unknown. Now, he uses his writing to help spread the knowledge he's learned. When he's not swimming through the depths of the subconscious or flying through the dimensions of the astral realms, he enjoys staying active, laughing, and spending time under the sun.
Manifestation is the process of creating an experience to materialize within your life. Since birth, you’ve held the key to transforming your life in powerful ways, but it is left untapped until you become aware of this power. You may have experienced unintentional experiences of manifestation throughout your life due to a strong desire to have someone or something within your life. You may have thought of someone and soon after received a phone call or a message from them. Or, maybe during a time when you were struggling financially, you magically found money on the ground outside. These are examples of how your desires can draw people, items, and experiences into your life.
Everything in the Universe is energy, which means you are this energy and an extension from its source. You have a powerful connection to the universe, and it can transform at your will. In order to achieve this, you must learn how to use your creative energies to send out your intentions as well as attune yourself to the energetic frequency of your desire. The truth is, you’re manifesting every second, every moment of your life. From the moment you wake up until at night before bed, you manifest everything within your life. Our minds are boundless and operate more from our imagination than logic as children. Then, as we grow older, we’re taught to think more rationally and tend to subdue our imaginations. This process cuts us off from our source of power that allows us to manifest profound experiences for lives. Instead, we learn to expect more of the same, believe that we are powerless to change our lives or that our life’s path is out of our hands.
We create our reality through our thoughts, emotions, words, intentions, and subconscious minds. When you learn how to gain control over these aspects of yourself, you are then able to direct your energy in a specific direction, pulling you towards your desire. Learning to use your tools for creation opens a doorway to empowerment that allows you to live the life of your dreams. To do so, you must unlearn what you believe is possible, begin practicing manifestation, and allow divine timing to bring your desires into your reality. How long it takes to manifest a particular experience depends on your belief in yourself and whether there’s any resistance to the experience you desire. Luckily, when you begin manifesting, you will eventually experience your desires coming to pass, which will empower your belief in yourself and help you manifest greater accomplishments.

Be Mindful of Your Thoughts

Your thoughts are energy. They can fluctuate drastically depending on your mindset, the time of day, the people you’re around, and because of your physical surroundings. Each thought that you have is a magnet, drawing the physical manifestation of those thoughts to you. You may have experienced times when it seems as if everything that could possibly go wrong has gone wrong. This is due to the negative thoughts and mindset you had during that time. If your mind is constantly focused on negative, self-deprecating, or victimizing thoughts, your external world will mirror these thoughts to you. In order to manifest beneficial and positive experiences, you must first start with changing the way you think. Practicing gratitude every day helps you train your mind to focus on positive thinking. Every day, make a list of everything you are grateful for and appreciate about your day. You may find it easier to start with small items, such as the food you ate, the weather, or the smell of your favorite fragrance. Learning to appreciate the small things in life helps enhance your gratitude and provides more fulfillment for you. This practice will also draw more experiences into your life that will bring you even more gratitude.

The Words You Speak

Your words are just as powerful as your thoughts. How you speak about yourself, how you speak about others, and how you speak about the world all have an impact on your experience. The universe does not identify you as separate from the whole because you are an extension of it. When you speak negatively about someone else, you are speaking negatively about the “whole,” which also includes yourself. The negative energy you speak can manifest within the lives of other people as well as your own. How you view the world will also dictate your experience. If you believe the world is a wonderful and loving place, your specific experience will be a reflection of that belief. We live in duality, light and dark, right and wrong, good and bad—but it’s important to not let these extremes control your focus. The world around you can be full of chaos, but if you focus on something within your life that brings you peace, happiness, and contentment, then your personal experience will mirror this. Take more time to think before you speak about anything throughout your day. Imagine that all of your words will instantly appear before you the moment they’re spoken. Would this change the way you speak about your life?


When you experience emotions, you are experiencing the physical manifestation of your creative energies. Your emotions are energy in motion, and this energy creates a flow within your life of each emotion. Whether you feel anger, sadness, happiness, or peace, the universe reads these states, and they are mirrored back to you. Learning to control your emotional responses will help shift your experience overall. It’s important not to suppress emotions because this will only cause them to resurface. Feel your emotions come to pass, but don’t hang onto them, and recognize their source. Joy, happiness, and contentment are the best emotions to use to create your dream life.


Your intentions are the expectations you have or what you expect to happen. Intentions are one of the most powerful tools you can use to manifest. These are seemingly insignificant when you have a specific intention, such as “I intend to go to the store” or “I intend to go to work today.” But, these intentions are what help you move throughout life. When you start practicing setting intentions, which is consciously wielding experiences into your life, you will start to see the world around you line up to fit your intentions. For example, every morning, intend that you’re going to have an amazing day. You can say this out loud or in your mind, as both your thoughts and words empower your intentions. The more time you invest in setting intentions, the stronger they will become and the easier they will be to manifest.

The Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind is the blueprint of our reality. Our subconscious holds all of the hidden beliefs, expectations, limits, fears, abilities, strengths, and repressed desires that exist within us. As children, this aspect of our mind is heavily programmed by our upbringing, and this programming shapes much of our adult life unless we learn to clear and reprogram it. Understanding your subconscious programming takes time and effort to locate the limiting beliefs that you are currently unaware of. A great way to do this is to recognize any patterns throughout your life that have led to negative experiences. Maybe you tend to have problems with trust, struggle with following things, attracting certain partners, or have emotional triggers that stem from trauma. These are all examples of patterns within your subconscious mind that need to be identified in order to overcome these experiences.
Once you identify a limitation or blockage, you can use the other tools you possess to remove them. For example, if you have issues trusting others, you likely have issues trusting yourself. You can practice thinking trustful thoughts that help change the way you view trust. Intend every day that you are learning to be more trusting of others as well as yourself. Use your emotions while doing these practices; try to evoke feelings of peace and happiness while doing so, and this will help program your subconscious in powerful ways.

The Power of Visualization

Intentional visualization is the culmination of all of your manifestation tools and is the #1 most powerful way to manifest anything you desire. Visualization incorporates every aspect of your being and allows you to tap into your pure, creative energies. Each day, visualize your desire as if it’s happening right now. Use all of your senses and feel this experience around you. Choose thoughts that you would have if this desire was happening in the present moment. Evoke emotions and create conversations that would only be possible if your desire was currently happening. The more “real” your visualization becomes, the faster it will manifest within your life. Our imaginations have been limited, disregarded, and suppressed, but this is the place where true manifestation begins. Visualization helps re-establish your connection with the imagination, allowing your world to become more fluid, energetic, and directly reflect your intended desires.

The Power is You

You hold power to manifest anything within your life. To do so, you must begin changing the way your internal world works. Everything starts from within, and once you learn to shift your internal, the external will follow. The process of manifestation also helps you understand yourself on a deeper level. You are the only one standing in the way of manifesting your dream life. Dive deep into your mind, see yourself where you want to be, evoke positive emotions, and learn to let go of the beliefs that no longer serve you. If you can achieve this, nothing will be impossible for you.
Featured Image Credit: Josh Hild (Unsplash)
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Transform your reality and create your dream life. Here's how to harness the power of manifestation and allow the universe to work in your favor.







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John McDonald


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