AI Chatbot Development for Tradeshow

Zion Shepherd

Graphic Designer
Web Designer
AI Chatbot Developer
Adobe Illustrator
Visual Studio Code

Project Dill is a cutting-edge AI chatbot that our team has been developing to help companies train chatbots on large datasets and increase customer engagement. In addition to the innovative AI technology, we also gave careful thought to the branding of Project Dill.

Our goal was to create a unique and memorable brand identity that accurately represents the advanced capabilities of the chatbot. We incorporated a modern and sleek design with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. Our team also developed a distinctive color scheme that complements the brand identity and showcases the technology's sophistication.

With Project Dill, we are confident that our clients will benefit from the power of AI technology to drive customer engagement and business growth. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting project!


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