Weight Doctor - Website Design

Syed Umair Ul Haq

Web Designer
Product Designer
UI Designer
Overview: The client sought expertise to realign their brand strategy, visual identity, and a better visually appealing design. Weight Doctor leverages the expertise of licensed weight loss specialists to offer online consultations, empowering customers to achieve their health goals and lose weight efficiently.
I restructured the website’s navigation and information architecture, creating an attractive new layout that captures users' attention and converts viewers into customers.
Project Delivery: Despite the pressing deadline, I managed to create a top-notch design website in just three working days. This achievement underscores not only my skill in meeting tight timelines but also my commitment to consistently delivering exceptional results.
Client Satisfaction:
The client acknowledged the significant value of my customized Figma design for his project, making him completely satisfied and leaving a 5-star review.
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