🔥REVOLUTIONIZING The Art World: Building A Social Platform

Joshua Shai


Web Designer

Web Developer



Full Homepage
Full Homepage
News Page - Post Page
News Page - Post Page
About Page
About Page
News Page
News Page
Artist Directory
Artist Directory
Gallery - Single Page
Gallery - Single Page
ProjectART UBU is a massive website project aimed at creating a platform where artists can showcase their work and receive donations from supporters. The project includes a donation system, a membership system, custom-built landing pages for each artist, and an optimized news section.
Research Phase:
At the start of the project, we conducted an extensive research phase to identify the needs and pain points of artists and supporters. The research phase allowed us to create a platform that meets the needs of both artists and supporters and provides a seamless user experience.
Donation System:
We built a donation system that allows supporters to donate to each artist and cause. The system also includes functionality for monthly recurring donations. Additionally, a back-end was built for donators to manage their donation subscriptions, collect tax information, and keep track of their donations.
Membership System:
We created a membership system that enables artists to manage the art they posted into the gallery. The system allows artists to upload, an editor to approve posts, and the ability to edit their own landing pages. The membership system streamlines the posting process and ensures that the content posted meets specific quality standards.
Custom-built Landing Pages:
Each artist has a custom-built landing page that showcases their work, a donation page, and a gallery page that they can edit themselves. The landing pages were designed based on each artist's interests and specifications to ensure that they align with their brand and message. Additionally, a dashboard was created that calculates how much each artist has received in donations.
Optimized News Section:
We created an optimized news section that is blazing fast and responsive. The news section includes sticky elements for easy usability and navigation. The optimized news section improves the user experience by making it easy for visitors to find relevant content and stay informed about the latest news and updates.
ProjectART UBU is a comprehensive website project that provides a platform for artists to showcase their work and receive donations from supporters. The project includes a donation system, a membership system, custom-built landing pages for each artist, and an optimized news section. The project was designed based on extensive research to ensure that it meets the needs of artists and supporters and provides a seamless user experience.
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Posted Apr 20, 2023

ProjectART UBU is a game-changing platform that provides artists with custom-built landing pages, optimized news sections, and a donation system.






Web Designer

Web Developer



Joshua Shai

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