In 2021, I embarked on a project with NAGA, a leading fintech company, to optimize their user experience. My role as a User Experience Designer involved designing and redesigning various features of their platform.
Vibrant social media feed where users actively share their assessments, predictions etc.
Manage funds screens - One of the most important screens according to user research
The platform was not user-friendly, which led to a high bounce rate and low user engagement. The challenge was to make the platform more intuitive and engaging for users.
My Contributions
Using my skills in Product Design I redesigned 90% features of the platform. I conducted usability testing and user interviews to gather feedback and understand user needs better. I also tracked analytics to monitor the impact of the changes made.
Market suggestion
Copy Bonus Screen, where a bonus amount is determined on your trading results
The redesign led to a significant improvement in user engagement and a decrease in bounce rates. Users found the platform more intuitive and engaging, leading to increased user retention and satisfaction. The success of this project underscores the importance of user-centric design in fintech.