Automated Emails with Google Forms & Google Sheets

Samer Hany

Automation Engineer
Data Visualizer
Web Developer
Google Apps Script
Google forms
Google Sheets
G Suite


This demo project is a workflow automation to send an automatic email when a Google Form is submitted. Steps: 1- Client fills the Google Form 2- Response goes to the linked Google Sheet (could contain some extra formulas and calculations) 3- A Google Script is automatically triggered that processes the response and fills a pre-formatted Google Document template 4- The script exports the merged GDoc as PDF and sends as attachment in an email with a dynamic body (email body can be plain text or HTML template) 5- Client receives the automated email and view the generated PDF :) Note: - This is not a fixed workflow, it's just a demo, and all steps can be adjusted. - Automated follow-up emails could be scheduled (e.g. 1 week after form submission, etc.)



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