SolarSteam | Brand Identity

Megan Favero

Brand Designer
Graphic Designer
Web Designer
Adobe Illustrator
SolarSteam Inc.

What I Did

At the forefront of renewable heat innovation, SolarSteam is not just a startup; it’s a vision for a sustainable future. The focus goes beyond technology; it’s about empowering clients. Through sleek branding, we emphasize not only the efficiency of our product but also the seamless integration into existing systems.
Website Design
Website Design
The website, illustrations, and motion graphics serve as dynamic educational tools, showcasing the transformative potential of SolarSteam. We’re not just creating green heat; we’re cultivating a community of informed decision-makers, driving change towards a cleaner, brighter tomorrow.
Business Cards
Business Cards
Social Media
Social Media
T-Shirt Design
T-Shirt Design


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