Gen-Z & The Awaited Corporate Crackdown

Pablo Di Ció



Content Writer


Gen-Z & The Awaited Corporate Crackdown... Are Here To Stay(?)

The baby boomers and their beloved corporate world. The template of life that told everyone that: "if you studied accounting, you will be a 9 to 5 accountant at an accountancy firm". Or "If you studied law, you will be a 9 to 5 lawyer at a law firm".
You shall buy an american car, get a mortgage and buy yourself a nice cookie cutter home, and then hopefully be able to confront the debt of putting your heirs through college... to repeat the story all over again.
Corporate life was everything back then, and still is for some. "Corporatism" is so embedded in the template of life that it is one of the main cornerstones of how society flows. At least in the western world.
In order to sustain itself as a trend and behavior, their weakest and worst aspects have to be sugar coated. Toned down. Covered with some beautiful make up. Up to the point that when a human being -employee- has to withstand them, he or she is made believe that instead of going through sh#t, he is on a great heroic path to success.
In fact, as a millennial myself, there are plenty of myths about the corporate template of life that I don't even know where they came from. What facts back them up. But I still perpetuated them. Until something clicked.
I am based in Argentina, Buenos Aires. Not exactly the western's world power node, but still capitalism rules -with a hint of populism-. But even in here the following myths rule.

You need to get yourself into some solid company and you are saved from hell. They give you medical insurance for free!!! 🤣

Okay... let's analyze the "for free". Many people believe, and even more in the U.S. -where dental plans are something highly coveted- that if you are not working for a corporate master, your teeth will be rotten before you get to see your 40s. When in reality medical and dental insurance is available for everyone, and I'm talking even here in my own country. And sometimes, paying it for yourself is cheaper than what your employer discounts from your paycheck to pay it himself, for you. Yes... it is not for free in the end #RevelationMoment. But it is verbally sold in such a fine way, when you walk into an interview, and how they present it to you, that many actually believe it is a benefit.

Retirement, and proper retirement is something only the corporate worms get to enjoy... 🤣

Verdict: Another B.S. In reality, everyone can contribute to their own retirement funds. Private firms offer extremely sweet deals for everyone willing to make a monthly payment. In my case, and in my country. Guaranteeing almost USD 1,000,000 by the age of 60, by only sending USD 300 per month.

Comply, comply, comply. Play your part and hope for the best promotion (if your HR manager woke up with the right foot)

The forced way of life with being physically in the office, and showing your physical face just to show that you actually sat in your chair for your expected 8 hours. Having your success determined by inner politics and having to prove your true value to either your boss or the H.R. mogul sitting on top. Having a cap to what you can earn and being told when you should earn it, and even when can you enjoy a coffee break. When you can have lunch or having to file a questionnaire just to take your sibling to the doctor. IS NOW DEAD.
The pandemic has not pushed the world into a new labor realm, but it has indeed accelerated steeply certain milestones that where a little beet deeper down the path. But certain.
Remote work and "zoomism" have proven that they do not affect revenue if people are happy and committed and well taken care of. And by people I mean corporate employees.
It has exposed what many people internally already knew. That this boss is a sc#mbag, or that the other manager really gives a sh@t about people.
And every single detail of the old corporate world was judged in front of a new reality, without giving it the necessary heads up time, to "look good in court". And now, and luckily, everyone truly saw the worse of the corporate world and demanded change. And the change was answered.
But there is always a twist. Now when browse through LinkedIn, many companies boast themselves as if they were the ones that gave the first step towards these major changes. Positive changes that now entire generations will be able to enjoy. Flexibility, people before positions, less vertical structures and the true real care for the human worker. And ultimately -I always crack a laugh at this one- ensuring everyone is truly giving their best because they are deeply passionate for what they do.
Basically, all the things that, if baby boomers had done something to change or force-change what they were handled back then. We wouldn't have had to wait until a pandemic and a generation Z appeared, to paradoxically, disappear.
All the little optical and verbal manipulations that were almost lies, to perpetuate the corporate model of life as the only true path to professional success have fallen. And hopefully forever.
There are many ways to success as people and talents on earth. And sleeping til noon, if you do your best craft at 3:00 AM, opposed to what a baby boomer might say, can also be the way to success for some. Just to give an example.
New companies, from new generations, that genuinely comprehend this, are appearing every single day. That is a positive fact. But even though they are "corporate companies" they are none like the ones before. But the enemy always lurks, and the granny might actually be a wolf in disguise. So please read carefully my advice below before entering a company and being read the "perks".

your mind has to act as the glass of water... when it receives the sugar coated corporate pill, it must erode it into effervescence to see the true values beneath. If that test is passed. Enjoy. Pablo DC

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Posted Aug 17, 2021







Content Writer


Pablo Di Ció

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