Can Rookies Earn Like Pros?

Pablo Di Ció



Content Writer


Google Docs

The Generational Injunction Of Misguided Values And The Non Existent Template For Life.

There was this old rule, deepened even more in society's brains and minds by our beloved baby boomers. It states sort of like the following.
"Hard work pays off, everything takes time. You have to pay the rights to be here, and on due time (that is never clear how many decades it will take) you will be rewarded son..."
That phrase was the way of thinking of an entire generation. Until a dude named Robert Sukiyaki (I know you know him, and I hope I spelled it right...-I know I did not-) wrote a book titled Rich Dad Poor Dad and blew the f*ck up the entire progress model society had engraved. But he really didn't. He just shed some light on some very obvious things that no one dared to realize. Like the case of a baseball player, banking on the millions like Donald Trump. So extremely successful and full of money, this baseball player had an IQ that would place him as mentally challenged in several U.S. States. Yet, he broke the template.
How could a mentally impaired dude, make millions. When college accountants were making 40k per year on average?
Financial success has nothing to do with the baby boomer's optic of how life should roll. And has to roll.
These progress models are transmitted from parents to children. As the core values for life... LOL. In the hope that those children will later in life pass down that same b*llsh*t to their own kids.
Until one generation, not so long ago, not so far away. Said STOP! They questioned everything, and one pandemic after it has not been proposed, but proven. That the baby boomer fallacy, was indeed a fallacy.
People that work best at night, make three times more money working at night in their pajamas than their corporate 9 to 5 amigos. People travelling the world while working, because working is not working, is actually something they are passionate about, are populating the social ambience like New York´s doves. Breaking the schema of the traditional vacation into the workation concept, and putting an end to the I hate my 9 to 5 so deeply that I need to cut myself off from life two weeks per year.
So basically, in the end... rookies and pros do not even exist. They are social constructs of just regular people, observed through the peeping hole of these garbage smelling social paradigms. Which by the way, keep dying day by day.
If you are truly passionate for whatever you do, and you do it in your own terms but professionally and with high commitment. Hear me out, you... 18 years old freelance coder.

You are more pro than a rookie boomer!

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Posted Jul 23, 2021







Content Writer


Google Docs

Pablo Di Ció

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