Software Company Advert Script

Jonathan Rogers


Script Writer

Google Docs

Launching The App
Mouse Clicks onto the extension to open up
“Say Hello to Viva Translate”
Flash up the alternatives in place of 
Say hello to : /diga olá para/saluda a
Language Detection
Zoom into the extension pop up and show the processing swirl, followed by a tick/ding to signify language has been detected Show Live Google Meet Call 
Retracts to side of screen with two people stacked on a google meets/zoom/teams call
User 1 - “¡Oye! es un placer conocerte - me alegro de que estemos trabajando juntos”(Hey! its nice to meet you - glad we are to be working together)
“The platform that keeps everyone on the same page”
Demonstrate seamless CC 
Viva Subtitles come up - zoom full screen into User 1 and follow along in english, as it is being spoken in spanish! 
Its AI Powered captioning, in real time” 
Transcription box
Zooms out to box and see the words that we have just seen as subs appear in the transcription box pop up. Shows user scrolling up the Viva Box transcriptions, as if he's catching up to what he missed. if he was not 
That pays attention even if you’re not”
(Show web app) 
Show backend app with all stored transcriptions.Show downloading of transcriptionsTranscription summaries Transcript Minutes  
“Wanna revisit? No problem”
“See your minutes” 
“See your summaries” 
“And Download your transcripts“
"At the click of button”
Flash on screen: 
What?! / ?Que? / Desculpa?
“And its all in 3 languages”
Previous screen uses door opening transition into letter back into google meets chat
The doors have been opened to a world of new possibilities”
Have someone screen presenting graphs and charts on big screen with 5-6 other faces in the lobby. 
“As you can see, Q3 is off to a great start!”“Como você pode ver no Q3, foi um ótimo começo!
Screen Swipes to show two young people on video chat.
Whether that's for business”
“Show instant message box with a line like “Can’t wait to meet you ❤️”
Transition to Fill screen with as many people’s faces as possible inside video call squares.
“Or for pleasure”
Switch out the word broken for “partido” and then “roto
“Your language barriers - broken”
*Show end logo Viva Translate*
“This is Viva Translate” 
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Posted Jun 28, 2023

I wrote a script for a translation software company for their motion graphic advert. It included both voiceover parts and instructions for the visual components






Viva Translate


Script Writer

Google Docs

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