Property Developer Testimonial Script Concepts

Jonathan Rogers


Brand Strategist

Script Writer

Google Docs

Concept 1 

The first concept will be similar to a standard testimonial video, but will use a more upbeat track and supplementary video and photos. Music Track: like the track!
Establishing shot of finished project (either real life house or photorealistic cad model video) underpinned by client Voiceover stating problem/requirement. “So i came to Adara [X] time ago to do [Y] work”
Cut to shot of the client sitting down in a professional studio environment/office space. Good idea but I don’t have an office…we all work from home. But we could take plans to their house for same effect?“First we did [X], then we did [Y] and Adara made the whole process a breeze. 
Cut to shots of a meeting room, with client interacting with the Adara team, nodding smiling, planning etc (this showcases the office environment) 
“I was apprehensive about [X] but the experience of [Employee Name] at Adara helped me realize my vision and get over the legislative hurdles of Barnet council 
Cut to shots of design process for client specific project, over shoulder shots of architects drawing and migration to CAD, things taking shape etc. 
“Adara turned my dream home into my reality and I'm super grateful for that.”“Adara helped me remove all of the barriers to entry and now I know exactly what I need to do moving forward.” 
Final shot of client stood next to their new home with the keys, or just with whatever their finished product looks like (for CAD models, show client next to big screen with flyover video) good idea…conscious not to make it to cheesy

Concept 2 

This concept is drawing from adverts from companies such as UpWork and Wix this is really clever will essentially become a dialogue between the voiceover and the client in the video, much like the 73 questions concept from vogue:
Opening shot is zooming into the client in front of their new home.
 “Come on then, give us a look?” - Shot following the client into their home, going past and showing some b-roll of the property. Camera snaps around and faces clients in their favorite room of the house. 
“How on earth did you do this?”
“Let me show you”
Cut to Adara offices with client in center of table and Adara staff surrounding on either side drafting plans, working on computers behind, detailing the whole process in hyper time
“The Adara team made the whole process simple and I had my dream home in no time.
Cut back to the client sitting in an arm-chair with her feet up and coffee in hand. 
 “So you’re saying you’d use them again?” “I don't need to - I’ve got my forever home. Now if you don't mind, the bake-off is on in 10. 
Client looks away from camera and shot reverse out of front door and into sky, shows finished house with drone shot 
Cut to logo and slogan, Adara, forge your forever home. 
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Posted Jun 28, 2023

I created some Advert concept scripts for a property developer in London. Drawing on some inspiration from big companies YouTube ads, I drafted the ideas.






Brand Strategist

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