Book Promotion Design for Azure Gabriel: Get the Hell Out

Nicole Ussery


Graphic Designer

Print Designer

Project Manager

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Photoshop

Get The Hell Out: By Azure Gabriel
Get The Hell Out: By Azure Gabriel
Get The Hell Out: By Azure Gabriel
Get The Hell Out: By Azure Gabriel
The primary goal of this book promo flyer is to visually encapsulate the essence of Azure Gabriel's memoir, "Get the Hell Out." We aim to create a compelling design that resonates with the emotional depth of her story, showcasing the themes of courage, bravery, and triumph over adversity. The flyer should serve as a captivating invitation for potential readers to explore Azure's transformative journey. She is also an entrepreneur as a fellow designer and business owner. I encourage anyone needing motivation to check out her book and check out her services as well!
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The goal is to visually capture Azure Gabriel's memoir, "Get the Hell Out," emphasizing courage, bravery, and triumph over adversity.






Graphic Designer

Print Designer

Project Manager

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Photoshop

Nicole Ussery

Creative Visual Artist & Brand Designer

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