Trading Card Program for Local Amazon: Incentive Program

Nicole Ussery

Brand Designer
Graphic Designer
Project Manager
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

Project Title: Trading Card System

Project Management:

  • Project Manager: Nicole Ussery
  • Co-Designer: Nicole Ussery and Andy Cisneros

  • Project Overview:The Trading Card System project, led by Nicole Ussery and co-designed by Nicole Ussery and Andy Cisneros, aims to implement a dynamic and engaging trading card system within our organization. This innovative approach is centered on enhancing associate engagement, boosting team morale, and recognizing the outstanding contributions of our team members. The project is named the "Trading Card System" for a local Amazon site.

Design Cycle Plan:

  1. Research Phase:
    • Objective: Understand the current level of associate engagement and morale within the organization.
    • Goal: Gather insights on the preferences and expectations of team members regarding recognition and rewards.
  2. Conceptualization Phase:
    • Objective: Develop a conceptual framework for the Trading Card System, defining key elements and features.
    • Goal: Generate ideas for visually engaging and meaningful trading cards that align with the organization's culture.
  3. Prototyping Phase:
    • Objective: Create prototype trading cards for initial feedback and testing.
    • Goal: Obtain feedback from a sample group of team members to refine and improve the design and functionality of the trading cards.
  4. Testing and Iteration Phase:
    • Objective: Implement the Trading Card System on a small scale for testing purposes.
    • Goal: Identify any issues, gather feedback from users, and iterate on the design and functionality based on real-world usage.
  5. Implementation Phase:
    • Objective: Roll out the finalized Trading Card System across the entire organization.
    • Goal: Ensure a smooth and well-communicated launch, providing necessary training and resources for both team members and managers.
  6. Monitoring and Evaluation Phase:
    • Objective: Assess the impact of the Trading Card System on associate engagement and morale.
    • Goal: Collect data on system usage, gather feedback, and make any necessary adjustments to optimize the long-term effectiveness of the program.

Below are sample playbook slides for quick and efficient reading of all necessary information managers and associates would need to know before implementing this system for their team or department.

Feel free to contact me if you would like more detailed information about this project!

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