Contra USDC Payouts

Henry Ollarves

Software Architect
Software Engineer
It started as a far fetched idea during our first Mexico retreat, but thanks to our amazing team and our strong conviction to support independents in our platform it quickly became a reality.

The Spark ✨

As we looked for ways to expand access to payments for our non US based users, we decided our best bet was to allow for crypto payouts using the USDC stable coin. Main issue was the lift required to support more countries using Stripe and how easy it was for us to allow for payout using USDC from a legal and engineering point of view.

The Stats 💯

Timeline: 1-2 months Deliverables: • Add ERC-20 USDC wallet to a Contra profile • Allow for users without Stripe accounts to receive payments • Send USDC payouts to these users whenever they requested them


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