Shortpedia - Brand Identity


Art Director
Visual Designer
Brand Strategist
Adobe Suite
Social Media

Shortpedia is a dynamic platform delivering concise and relevant news in a crisp format. The brand stands out for its commitment to brevity and clarity in an information-overloaded world. Shortpedia caters to a modern audience that values quick, accessible, and reliable news.

Project: Brand Identity and Design

Scope: Logo Design, Typography, Brand Colors, PowerPoint Template, Ad Template, Mockups for Business Stationery

Industry: Media & News

Purpose:To create a distinct and recognizable brand identity for Shortpedia that aligns with its mission of providing short and succinct news content.

Vision:To establish Shortpedia as a go-to news source for audiences seeking quick and accurate information in a fast-paced world.

Mission:To design a visually appealing and cohesive brand identity that reflects Shortpedia's core values of brevity, clarity, and reliability.

Solution:The project commenced with the conceptualization and design of the Shortpedia logo, embodying the brand's ethos of brevity. A modern and clean typography style was chosen to complement the logo. The brand color palette was carefully selected to convey the seriousness and credibility of a news platform while maintaining visual appeal.

A PowerPoint template was designed for corporate presentations, ensuring brand consistency across all communications. Additionally, a flexible ad template was created for promotional use, maintaining brand identity in various advertising mediums.

Typography & Color:

A contemporary and readable typeface was chosen to ensure clarity in communication. The color scheme reflects Shortpedia's commitment to delivering truthful and straightforward news, using a palette that is both striking and trustworthy.

Brand Applications:

The branding elements were applied across various mediums including digital platforms and print materials, ensuring a unified and impactful brand presence.

Thank You :)

Looking for a brand identity that communicates your core message with clarity and impact? Reach out to me for a consultation, and let's craft a brand identity that resonates with your audience and stands out in the digital age.

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