

Digital illustrator

Project: Diverse Artworks and Illustrations

Scope: Creating Art for Publications, Corporations, and Music Albums

Styles: Realistic, Digital, Mixed Media

Overview: A collection of artworks and illustrations, showcasing a versatile range of skills in both digital and physical mediums. Each piece reflects a unique blend of style and technique, ranging from hyper-realistic drawings to whimsical caricatures.

Mediums Used:

  • Digital Art: Utilized Procreate to create vivid and detailed digital illustrations.
  • Traditional Art: Employed pencil colors and watercolors for creating intricate and lively physical artworks.
Illustration for India Today
Illustration for India Today
"Travis Barker" Pencil & Water color
"Father Son" Pencil & Water color
Digital Illustration for Salesforce with Scatter
Digital Illustration for Salesforce with Scatter
Digital Illustration for Album Song MARAM
Digital Illustration for Album Song MARAM

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Looking for unique and custom artwork that captures your vision? Reach out for illustrations that speak to your audience in a style that resonates.

Pencil Color
Water Color & Pen
Water Color & Pen

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