Receipt Aggregator

Gajus Kuizinas

Fullstack Engineer
UX Designer

Built a receipt aggregator that automatically pulled data from Google, Uber, GitHub, and dozens of other platforms.

ReceiptHound logo

It was a personal project, solving a personal problem – organizing expenses across many different platforms. The idea was simple – every website has a self-service portal for downloading receipts for every purchase a client makes. ReceiptHound was going to automate a process of login in to every popular system, downloading receipts, and categorizing expenses.

Wireframes for the receipt dashboard

It was the first project where I spent a lot of time building wireframes and using those wireframes to validate my idea with potential customers. The prototype showed that the idea is technically viable. However, through discussions with potential clients and accountants, I came to a conclusion that is a non-problem. For most businesses, it would enough to categorize the expense based on the vendor without needing a hard copy of the receipt. The project has been discontinued.


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