[Project] Designing a large scale platform: Issues & Incidents

Kat de la Fuente

UX Designer
Product Designer
Content Writer
Paychex Charitable Foundation

Issues & Incidents is an HR tool that gives thousands of companies an easy way to track workplace incidents.

Issues & Incidents is a issue tracking tool for HR admins and managers where employees can easily communicate with their company's HR department. Through collaboration with Product and UX Researchers, I pinpointed the needs of our users. With multiple rounds of prototypes, usability testing sessions, and interviews, we iterated until we arrived at our solutions.

Project Goal

Create a tool for employees and HR administrators to submittrack, and communicate about workplace issues such as injuries, harassment cases, benefits questions, equipment requests, and more.‍

Conventional Industry Methods

Typical HR administrators communicate with employees and other admins through email. Methods of tracking workplace issues vary including spreadsheets, filing, and physical notes.


  • Employees: We set out to give employees a way to submit issues to their HR department for review, track their progress, and communicate with admins.
  • HR Administrators: We wanted to give HR admins the tools to do their job more efficiently and effectively. This meant making it easier to see all outstanding issues at their company and making it easier to manage them until they are resolved.

Questions & Challenges

  • What types of issues do HR administrators manage each day?
  • What details are important for managing each type of issue?

My Roles as UX Designer

  • Delivered wireframes and polished visual designs
  • Created prototypes for presentations, usability testing, and trade shows
  • Collaborated with UX Researchers to plan and run usability testing sessions
  • Ensured designs are consistent with Paychex design standards and branding
  • Created illustrations and animations for internal/external marketing materials
  • Collaborated with other designers and illustrators to keep assets consistent
  • Wrote creative microcopy in collaboration with other copywriters

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