[Project] Creating a platform for managing large funds: (k)Visor

Kat de la Fuente

UX Researcher
UX Designer
Product Designer
Paychex Charitable Foundation

(k)Visor serves financial advisors who manage retirement funds for hundreds of employees.

(k)Visor needed to be a trustworthy management tool and scale to fit the needs of financial advisors of various sizes.

In collaboration with Product, UX Researchers, and real financial advisors, I pinpointed the needs of our users. With multiple rounds of prototypes, usability testing sessions, and interviews, we iterated until we arrived at our solutions.‍

Project Goal

Create a tool for 401(k) Financial Advisors to manage their Book of Business and better help participants meet their retirement goals.

Book of Business: plans under their management and the investments hand-selected by them for those plans


We wanted to create something that would be highly valuable to small client advisorslarge client advisors, and any advisor in-between  with or without fiduciary protection. Great advisors help employees reach their retirement goals, and this tool makes great advisors even better.

Conventional Industry Methods & Competition

Typical financial advisors use spreadsheetspaperwork, and manual filing to keep track of their clients’ information.

Because much of the industry's methods are dated, inconvenient, and long overdue for digitization, (k)Visor was a huge opportunity for innovation.

  • How can we reduce the paperwork advisors need for their workflow?
  • How can we make it easier to gauge the health of an advisor’s Book of Business?

My Role as a UX Designer

  • Delivered wireframes and polished visual designs
  • Created prototypes for presentations, usability testing, and trade shows
  • Collaborated with UX Researchers to plan and run usability testing sessions
  • Ensured designs are consistent with Paychex design standards and branding
  • Created illustrations and animations for internal/external marketing materials
  • Collaborated with other designers and illustrators to keep assets consistent
  • Wrote creative microcopy in collaboration with other copywriters

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