Balancing freedom, leniency and non-judgment with structure and rigidity is a capability that comes from building trust within yourself and making space to communicate freely with the more implicit parts of your being. It is wonderful to learn that although each day is different and will ask different things of you, your core and presence has and always will remain the same. Each day, although you may utilize slightly – or even drastically – different means of connecting with and resting in that space, the space prevails. What feels good today may not feel good tomorrow. Just as all things in nature are in constant flux, so too are our beings. No two practices will, or should ever be the same. Our minds and bodies are just as complex and ever-changing as our ecosystem and the flow of the seasons. Love and embrace this aspect of yourself, realize that it is evidence of your connection to the natural world and that within your consistent changes, the natural laws of the universe are reflected. Welcome yourself in whatever way you show up, knowing that in each moment you take exactly the form you are meant to. While some days it may feel easeful and beneficial to adhere to your established practice, other days may call for a sort of free flow in which to surrender yourself to movement or breath. In these cases we must not let judgements or expectations stand in the way of new energy and lessons. Welcome and experiment with uncharted ways to tap into your peace and awareness without letting your healing be clouded by an excess of conscious interference. Sometimes we must simply step out of our own way and surrender to what we feel.