Real Estate OSINT Phone Number Finder Tool

Nicholas Nguyen


Data Scientist

Data Analyst

Data Engineer


Jupyter Notebook

Microsoft Office 365


Program that finds phone numbers of home owners in specific region. Inputs CSV consisting of names & home addresses. Perform data cleaning/engineering. Scrapes for all names involving specific house address. Verifies names. Identifies mobile phone number associated with name. Outputs result to a discord chat bot.


A client of mine is a real estate investor. He spends over 5+ hours a day contacting real estate agents for public home records regarding ownership, sale price, and much more. After he acquires this info, he manually goes through the records and finds the phone number of each person via He contacts each individual if they are willing to sell their property.

Data Cleaning:

Firstly, data is cleaned from the raw dataset. The only columns we need are first name, middle name, last name, and address. From here, we remove any properties listed under businesses (LLC, Corp, Trust). We drop all NA's. Although there shouldn't be any in the first place. And we remove unit numbers.

Data Frame Management:

Keeping this dataframe organized is a big part in all of this. The address is split in 4 different columns: Street Number, Direction, Street Name, and Street Type. The data needs to be precise and formatted enough for the next step.

Acquiring Special Links:

Using only the address information, we can apply each input of the address into a hyperlink and then save this link to another column in the dataframe. This is the link for the property on

Identifying People:

To verify that the person who we're looking for exists on the page, we use BeautifulSoup, and scrape all of the hrefs. Once we have scraped the hrefs, we can sift through the list to see if the person's name who's connected to the property on the CSV is on there. If so, we grab the "ID number" associated with that specific person. If not, we continue to the next. We use this ID number to search all information on that person.

Scraping The Numbers:

Using BeautifulSoup, we scrape all the phone numbers and make sure the one we pick is the "Mobile" number.


The client specifically wanted the output to be put into discord messages as it's easier for him to copy and paste text messages. So using webhooks, each phone number scrape that was successful was directly forwarded to discord as a webhook chat message in the boilerplate format which he wanted.
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Posted Nov 3, 2023

Finds phone numbers of home owners in specific region. Inputs CSV consisting of names & home addresses. Perform data cleaning/engineering. Outputs to Discord!






Data Scientist

Data Analyst

Data Engineer


Jupyter Notebook

Microsoft Office 365

Nicholas Nguyen

Data Scientist: ML, Analytics, & Engineering

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