This is a python-based scraper that will scrape all the items from by category or list.
Steps to follow:
1. Enter 1 for category and 2 for list in first prompt.
2. Name the text file in second prompt which contains links. If the text file is with Exe file, then just name it and if text file is in any other directory, then copy the path i.e. F:\Python\Data scrapping\ Scraper.txt.
3. If you want to download images of items then enter Y or y in 3rd prompt, otherwise enter N or n.
After scraped is done you can find results of scrapped data in Results folder.1. An Excel file contains all the scrapped information.2. Images if you enter Y or y in 3rd prompt.
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This is a python-based scraper that will scrape all the items from by category or list.