Your diet is going to be rich in Omega-3. That's olive oil, non-starchy vegetables, whole grains, and whole fruit (Jon Hopkins Medicine). A lot of non-starchy vegetables are one's you would've resisted as a kid like carrots, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, tomatoes, cucumbers, and the list goes on. See, it's not as restrictive as you think. Getting in protein that is rich in Omega-3 may be more difficult if you do not like fish and are not able to eat red meats. Chicken or turkey is great to still get in your protein without straying too far from the path. Avoiding sugary foods may be hard at first but the more into the diet you get the more creative you can get with recipes for all the natural fruit incorporated into your diet. There's a whole community of women with PCOS out there who are willing and wanting to help the newly diagnosed.