You Can Look Like a Celebrity and Still Be Healthy - Eating Well

Anna Otto


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You don’t have to starve yourself to look like your favorite celebrities. There are plenty of healthy and tasty diets out there that can get you to your best physical shape. Some female celebrities have been trying a diet that is high in Omega-3. Omega-3 may be a little daunting because it is high in fat but not the kind of fat you think. Believe it or not there is fat that is good for you.
The fats that are in omega-3 are good for your circulatory system. This kind of fat helps create hormones that regulate blood clotting and inflammation. It is also known to have some benefit for autoimmune diseases as well as mental disorders and clear up skin. There are many health benefits to choosing an omega-3 rich diet while still being tasty.
What’s a part of the omega-3 diet? Well I’m so glad you asked because I have a list right here:
Flax seeds
Olive oil
Pumpkin seeds
Soy beans
Brussels sprouts
The list may seem a little short and not flavorful but I promise there’s more to it than just what’s listed. It’s more about what you do with the food than what it actually is. If you have any allergies or just don’t enjoy most of the food listen there are omega-3 supplements available at any pharmacy you go to.
Now, what you’ve all been waiting for. Which celebrities was I mentioning earlier? Let’s take a look.
Chrissy Teigen
Chrissy eats lots of fish, eggs, avocado, and olive oil in her diet. She describes that everything is in moderation. She’s not shy about having a cheat day either which is important to give yourself once in a while no matter which diet you are on. Omega-3 diets are low on alcohol and Chrissy gave up drinking a while back.
Mariah Carey
Mariah’s diet consists of lots of Norwegian salmon and capers. But get this… that’s all she eats. Yes this diet is high in omega-3 but not healthy by any other standard. There are so many food groups that Mariah should be getting and her strict diet is not recommended.
Victoria Beckham
Struggling with skin is what got Victoria to start on a high omega-3 diet. She eats salmon and at least 3 avocados a day. Not only has it cleared up her skin issues, but she says it has improved her overall lifestyle. A diet high in omega-3 just allows her to give herself enough energy to keep up with daily life.
Eva Mendes
We are all jealous of her and her beautiful husband, Ryan Gosling, but did you know she eats a diet high in omega-3 as well? Well, now you do. Eva is a runner and to keep up with her body’s needs she eats a lot of fish high in omega-3 as well as whole-grains. It is noted that she tries to stay away from most meats in her diet. She’s not shy about not wanting to go to the gym all the time but recognizes more time at the gym can allow her to have the cheat days she wants. 
Ever wonder how these gorgeous women are eating this healthy diet but still getting tasty recipes? Click here for 26 great recipe ideas.
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Posted Jun 6, 2023

An article engaging with celebrity culture through dieting and healthy living.






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