
Three Design


UI Designer

UX Designer

Web Designer

Affinity Photo




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01 Project Overview

Pawel and his Co-Founder Brad have decided that they want to create something that's never been done before in the Pet Care industry, so they partnered with Three.Design to bring their unique idea to life. A pet care app that matches you with the best providers in Chicago that are tailored and matched specifically to your pets and their needs. A truly worry-free pet care app is coming to your app stores. At the end of the project we counted over 250 mobile screens, including brand guidelines & website for Tails, Co. TLDR; The goal is to take worries of the pet owners away by providing them with enough information about their pets along with a free meet & greet before any service, to ensure the best match.

02 Opportunity

Establish Tails as the personalized human-centered pet care provider

It's important to remain human in the world of pets. They're like a family to us. Pawel was ready to prove that the market lacks trusts and authenticity and they are here to outperform competitors and grow. Given the point that there was no brand, no app icon & no visual identity, Three Design aimed to help Tails, Co to lead with trust in the pet care industry and win the hearts of pet parents.
What makes tails unique:
• Trust waterfall - establish trust in 3 simple clicks
• Daily reports with photos
• Algorithm that picks the best option suited for your pet
• Hand-picked providers by Pawel himself

03 Research and iteration

Understanding the Pet Care market
First thing we do, when it comes to creating something new is analysis of the product and the field. This time Pawel has done a very thorough research and came to us prepared with plenty of documentation and user-flows. We still did an analysis of the user-flow Pawel sent us alongside a competitive research. As sometimes there may be some unclear ideas or missed business related pieces. When we weren't sure of something, we simply asked Pawel, who is very passionate about his product. All of this helps us to understand the client needs, what problem are we trying to solve & does this make sense for the target market? It also allows us to stand out from the competition.

04 Finding the style

Main feed ideation
The landing screen and the feed are the most important part of the application in this case, it has to meet quite a few requirement,s and it has to be easy to use as well. That's why we always like to do more than just a one design to get the ideas out and see what works and what doesn't.

05 Iterations & Problem solving

Iterate & Combine
In the end, we ended up going a completely different route. We've added an extra screen before this view so the user can comfortably see and choose what pet they want the service provider to be tailored with. This allowed more space on the explore tab while keeping the nice big cards to really highlight the individual pet sitters and their perks. All the icons you see are hand-made to ensure being unique and stand out on the market.

06 Hand-made illustrations

Details matter
It was crucial to make Tails unique and really stand out. That's why we decided to make everything from scratch. From icons to onboarding illustrations. This gives the app a different feeling and makes it feel more fresh. It also allows us to break onboarding flows for example - to feel less tedious to do OR adding a little wiggle tail to the chat screen.

07 Crucial screens

Solving the most important parts of the app
Before we started designing, we knew there will be two crucial screens apart the onboarding one. The calendar and the reports. We're not talking just showing the calendar view. We had to think about both sides, the providers & the users. The calendar has automatic repetition. Meaning the booking can repeat itself based on the days in the week. The reports on the other hand were easy to do for the user side, but the providers side had to have a clean intuitive approach to it. So sending the report is quick and takes as little time as possible. Otherwise nobody would do them.

08 Website

Clearing doubts
After we've finished the design for the mobile application, Pawel came to us with a follow-up inquiry of a web design to go with the app.
The purpose of the website, in this case, is to sell the app. Introduce the application, show the most prominent features and make it easy to download once the user wants to try it out.
All of our designs come with a tablet and mobile breakpoint, but we do them differently. Mobile is it's own experience, it's not just taking the website design and scaling it down.
09 Branding & Visual identity
Nothing in the design should be random. Everything should make sense and be based on thorough research and years of experience. With a new design a new fresh look that connects with the brand emerges. It's important that if ever comes a time of another designer touching our work, they know exactly how to use and work with the brand. We've made sure that these changes comply with the standard WCAG contrast rules and are accessible by majority of the audience.
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Posted Mar 10, 2025

Design a pet care market place that is based on trust and privacy of the pets.






Nov 1, 2024 - Jan 22, 2025


UI Designer

UX Designer

Web Designer

Affinity Photo




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1040 Abroad
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SculptZone - Reformer Pilates