SEO Optimized Landing Page on Framer

Filipe Casarotto

Web Designer
UX Designer
Framer Designer


Develop a dynamic and interactive website that meets specific client needs, enhances marketing effectiveness, and provides valuable data insights.

Key Phases:

1. Needs Assessment:

Detailed analysis to identify and plan for required functionalities.

2. UI/UX Design in Figma:

Creation of user-friendly and visually appealing designs, approved by the client before development.

3. Development in Framer:

Technical implementation of Figma prototypes into interactive web pages with smooth animations.

4. Mailchimp Integration:

Setup for email marketing campaigns and lead capture automation.

5. Analytics Integration:

Configuration of analytics tools to monitor website traffic and user behavior.


SEO rating 100

Loading time 0,92 sec

3rd ranking on google search

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