Angel Evans


Blog Writer


Let’s be fully transparent, being vulnerable about your struggles, trials, and tribulations can be nerve-wracking and scary. It can be a touchy subject that can be triggering or often swept under a rug. Vulnerability comes with peeling back the layers and sharing your thoughts that you’d normally keep to yourself. We’ve all had moments where we’ve thought:
 “How will anyone else understand my hurt?” 
“Have I shared too much or too little?” 
“I’m not comfortable opening up to strangers.”
“How would this benefit me in the long run?”
Are you seeking community?
Or maybe you’re a part of the handful of hopefuls who are truly seeking community, connection, and individuals who can empathize with your story. You’re just patiently waiting for someone to look you in the eyes and say, “You are seen. You are loved. You are understood.”
Whether you resonate with the first category or the second, you are in the right place at the right time. Mind-Body Group sessions are here to help you get to know yourself better whilst being surrounded by like-minded peers who are desiring to heal and grow as well.
What are Mind-Body Groups?
Group is a safe space where confidentiality is key and you’re able to share from your heart without judgment. In Mind-Body Groups, you are exposed to different viewpoints and perspectives. Perspectives you wouldn’t have been aware of without the company of others. After each session, you walk away with a sense of peace, self-awareness, and a deeper understanding of who you are at your core. Taking further steps toward your healing journey.
Healing Together
Diving into the unknown and taking the next step toward something you’ve never done before can be scary, but it doesn’t always have to be. If you’re new to group therapy, you may be feeling slightly nervous or afraid of your first meeting. These feelings are perfectly normal.
Individuals may have gone through similar experiences, so they can relate to how you are feeling right now. Over time, you’ll begin to realize that your fellow group members often mirror different aspects of who you are or what you’ve endured. This may help you realize that you are not alone in your struggles; that others have gone through tough times and together you can work through it. There’s power in unity. 
Join us in our Mind-Body Groups so we can heal together!
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Posted Mar 5, 2023

In early 2022, I wrote a blog post for a prior client of mine. The goal was to educate her clientele on what Mind + Body groups are and to invite them to join.






Blog Writer


Angel Evans

Your Social Media + Copywriting Guru.

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Vulnerability in Mind + Body Groups
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