CafeDiaryBlogs | Blogshop product description

Tay Writes


Product Marketer



Google Docs

About CafeDiaryBlogs

CafeDiaryBlogs is an online operated business specialising in the education and teaching industry and has provided valuable tools and guidance for many aspiring bloggers for many years. CafeDiaryBlogs niched down product and services has attracted many people who want to explore new avenues of generating income online. They have chosen the blogging niche amongst all the other categories as they have noticed and come to the conclusion that many people who want to get started with this business model struggle to craft a simple, effective and succinct blog that ranks effectively with keywords. CafeDiaryBlogs has made it their mission to educate aspiring beginner bloggers on how to craft an engaging and seo rich blog that generates and retains quality traffic.

Project objective

The objective for CafeDiaryBlogs was to write a blog shop product description for their course which will be posted on their website/blog. The aim was to create a product description which highlighted the product in a positive and captivating light whilst simultaneously addressing common mistakes that beginner bloggers make. Additionally, it was recommended to me to use a lack of ‘SEO experience’ and ‘blogging structure/framework’ as selling points to really emphasis and pin point to the audience the reason why their current blogs are not generating and retaining traffic. Moreover, I will also be doing competitor research which will help in terms of highlighting what CafeDiaryBlogs do well compared to other courses.

My roles

Make sure the product description has a clear and concise structure for easy consumption for the reader 
Implementing the brand’s keywords
Craft a captivating and attention grabbing title/headline
Proofreading and editing

Process & Deliverables

During this step, I am collecting information and doing research based on their product. I am utilising their website to get a better understanding of the product they are selling so I am able to craft a description that resonates with their target audience. In addition, I am also noting down what other similar products are lacking that this service is able to provide, that way I can gain a better edge when writing the description.
Now I am starting to structure my description and adding in ideas. I also have to make sure that whatever ideas I have that might eventually be implemented must be succinct and to the point as these product descriptions are not that long in terms of word length. Additionally, I am also coming up with my attention grabbing headline during this stage which I will string together during my writing process.
Note: Often times I will be structuring at the same time I am researching
I will now begin writing my description from start to finish. Incorporating the ideas that I had noted previously or implementing new ideas that arise during the writing process.
Once finished with the description I went ahead and started editing and proofreading for any errors like misspelled words or ideas that don’t flow smoothly or feel choppy. Additionally, I made sure that I also incorporated my clients keywords(if given to me) in a cohesive and compatible way. 


Have a blog but it’s not generating any traffic or sales? Or just simply tired of writing crappy, boring blogs that have terrible SEO rankings?
Well, it’s because you do not have a set framework to follow and guide yourself, hence your writing is all over the place.
Many bloggers have had this exact experience too. Putting countless hours into doing research, coming up with ideas for sign posts to crafting an engaging and attention grabbing title is nothing short of time consuming and a lot of effort. 
Not only that, most people who write blogs are inserting ideas left, right and centre which has no coherency whatsoever. Having a structure for your blogs is crucial, especially if the purpose of your blog is to effortlessly and concisely convey your ideas and engage the reader to eventually take action. If there is no structure when it comes to the delivery of your content, the likelihood a reader will lose interest is almost guaranteed.
Seeing so many people struggle with writing engaging SEO optimised blogs has compelled us to design a simple, straightforward and easy to digest blogging course that you can finish in a couple hours and start writing in as little as within a day. This course covers everything you need in order to write a blog that actually ranks and attracts readers.
For more more information on our short course on how to write engaging blogs, check out our website.
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Posted Oct 16, 2024

Have a blog but still not ranking? CafeDiaryblogs shows how beginners can craft a blog that not only generates sales but also quality traffic that converts.






Product Marketer



Google Docs

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