It’s been rather easy for me to consider this the moment wherein I tell all of you that I’ve learned the secret to being limitless. And then I could proceed to address my class, explaining that this is the time to embrace that limitlessness and fly toward our dreams. But as encouraging as that is, I can’t say it… because we weren’t limitless yesterday, we aren’t today, and we won’t be tomorrow. It’s natural to think that graduating, college, getting married, moving, having children, a minor change in your daily schedule—any change really—its easy to think that with change comes the moment where you can be limitless because you have the freedom to decide to satisfy your desires. And I’ll admit, this has been my worst enemy for my entire life. It didn’t matter where I was or how many people told me they were proud of my hard work, nothing was ever enough. The feeling of dissatisfaction is one that accompanies me regularly. And I’m sure it’s a familiar feeling for some of you as well, whether you want to admit it or not. For me, it manifests in my selfishness. If I experience injustice or if I have to do something that I don’t want to, I become frustrated with my finitude. I see this selfishness in myself and maybe you can see it in yourself too, but for some reason, I have been too in love with my sin because it makes me feel limitless because when I choose to be selfish, I can do whatever I want. When I am selfish, I am limitless because I can do whatever I want for myself. The same goes for you. For that, I am a coward because I knew that I lived to satisfy myself by taking control, but did nothing to change it.