She took a quick sad look at the bruises on her mother’s shoulder and sat beside her on the floor. She wanted to talk but the words wouldn’t just come out so she decided to tap her but there was no response. It was as if she had tapped some dry leaf on the floor. She wanted to feel her mum’s hot body(she always had a week of fever after such episodes of fights) and rub it, saying that everything would be fine. She didn’t actually expect mama to answer because she was either weak, too tired or unconscious to answer. There she went placing her fingers on her mother’s conrows that she had made two weeks earlier, admiring its beauty and moving her fingers to her face, neck, chest and at that point she jumped back in confusion. There was no pulse, none at all. She pretended like she didn’t just notice what she felt, so she decided to start again. This time, much more slowly than before, so that no mistake would be made. She wasn’t admiring the conrows anymore, no, she wasn’t, she was now anxious and very much tensed. She got to her chest again and realized that her pulse had actually seized. The first notice was true, at least, as she had found out now. Finger marks were all over mama’s neck. She looked like she had been strangled again but this time, more fiercely than the usuals.