Enele Ogah

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Feminism…workaholic…goody…marital crisis…bareness…in-laws…prostitution…Cinderella…widows…breakups…love…boss lady.
It’s very easy to think the women celebrated in the bible were such a perfect bunch” was the opening phrase for Laju’s remarkable book.
I’m sure we’ve heard lots and lots of bible stories in the past but Laju gave another dimensions to these stories. She used her poetic skills to present every character with the present day scenarios and made us realize that these women found fulfilment when they found the Messiah.
It’s explains hidden meanings behind 22 bible characters (women) in our everyday lives as you sometimes (take a selfie) find yourself or know someone that fits into the lives of these characters as we can see from Sarah, Martha, Deborah, Naomi, Mary, Rahab, Dorcas, Ruth and the rest of the lot.
Issues like feminism, divorce, long-aged sickness, prostitution, bareness, breakups, tragedy and many others that relate to our society were tackled.
This book will definitely just make you go and study your bible all over again. It lets you understand that Christ is the essence of your being and you can only be complete when you have Him, despite what your past looks like…even if your past is HORRIBLE. He’s the resurrection and Life.
All you need to do is to BELIEVE. He(Christ) is the only that defines you, not the society or social media or family/friends.
The discussions after each chapter help you keep tab of the message of that chapter and we keep learning more about our Lord and taking more selfies with these bible women.
The only thing I would have liked to be added was the story of Delilah…just so that I could I would have had more suspense!.
However, the writer uses some humour to lighten up our moods.
Some of those moments were Jesus’s brothers and mother went to see him in the temple and were told that should wait till He had finished preaching.
“They could see him talking to Jesus where they stood but couldn’t here his words. Jesus stood up. ‘I would have been angry if he did not come’ James told Jude but Jesus wasn’t coming to them. He walked to the middle of the crowd he had been teaching”
His brothers really got angry at him, didn’t they?.
They felt slyed and it was just funny that the person you thought will cure your anger by coming to you chose the better part.
Another humourous part was at Lazarus’s tomb where Jesus wept. The part that cracked me up was when the mourners now stopped their own crying and starting gossiping.
“Where is he buried?”. He asked. As soon as they got to the tomb, Jesus wept uncontrollably. Even the mourners noticed. So much so that many of them stopped crying and began to whisper. ‘He must have loved him very much………’
I was like “Is it mourn you came to mourn or gossip you came to gossip?”…that was a little bit hilarious but in the midst of all this humour, there were still profound lessons to be learnt.
So, if you need help bringing biblical principles into your everyday challenges, this book has come to your rescue. Mind you, it’s not only for women because the husbands of some of these women were involved here and we can surely learn something from them all and the book surely ended on a perfect note (not the happily ever after Cinderella story we know of but precisely and genuinely making us understand who defines you, Christ).
After reading this, one thing is certain, you’ll find hope, love and faith in God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.
It’s definitely the second nicest books I’ve read not only because it’s a novel but also because it draws anyone that reads it closer to God and that is what is called “preaching the gospel”.
It’s for women, men, boys, girls, grannies and just any kind of person that exists…it’s highly recommended.
LAJU IREN, a wife, mother of 2 and assistant pastor at Celebration Church recently quit her job as a reporter in one of Nigeria’s biggest newspapers. She now focuses on writing, church ministry, counselling and authors many other books.
Thumbs up Laju, you are a rare gem!
So, ladies and gentlemen, shall we all “SAY CHEESE AS WE TAKE SOME SELFIES WITH BIBLE GIRLS”?
Thanks for reading till the end!
P.S: This is not a paid review, so, all opinions here are mine
Have you read this book?
Tell me about it in the comment section below!
If you haven’t, it’s highly recommended for you!
Also, whether you’ve read it or not…I’ll like you to simply take a selfie with some of these characters in the comment section below by telling me about your Christian experience (a little summary of your walk with God)!
Cheers till my next post!
Much love from Enele!
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