Stories of Beauty: Brand Story

Ella Grieves


Brand Strategist


G Suite

Writing the brand story and key copy for start-up beauty brand Stories of Beauty.


To create the boilerplate copy and written guidelines needed for the launch of Stories of Beauty, to be used across the website, pitch deck and other branded spaces.


Natalie's founding story
Consumer-facing mission and vision statements
An articulation of Stories of Beauty's space and key offering in the market
Functional tagline
Supporting copy to be used within the pitch deck
Copywriting guidelines for use by other team members

Natalie’s Story of Beauty

Piecing together a number of conversations with Natalie I first created her “story” - the foundation of her brand. This particular version was designed for use within a pitch deck, whilst a longer, more segmented version was created for use in a more interactive space, such as the website or within long-form social media.
Natalie's Story (version 1)
Natalie's Story (version 1)

Brand Copy

Following her own personal journey with beauty, Natalie had a strong sense of the mission behind Stories of Beauty, the feelings she wanted to evoke and the people she wanted to help. I helped her translate this into customer-facing messaging and a brand purpose much larger than her initial business idea. This included the mission and vision statement, as well as supporting copy and guidelines that promote inclusivity through every written aspect of Stories of Beauty.
Stories of Beauty's mission and vision.
Stories of Beauty's mission and vision.
Stories of Beauty's key market offering.
Stories of Beauty's key market offering.
An extract from the Stories of Beauty copywriting guidelines.
An extract from the Stories of Beauty copywriting guidelines.
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Posted Feb 9, 2022

Writing the brand story and key copy for start-up beauty brand Stories of Beauty.






Brand Strategist


G Suite

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